Safety ((Chapter 11))

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*** Yhuelle's POV ***

I can't move.

That was the first thing that I noticed when I regained my consciousness. I couldn't move, in the literal sense. Not even an inch.

This was different from numbness. Here, I could feel every part of my body. And they're hurting like hell.

This was not the same as being bounded by ropes either. I could tell it by experience. No scrapings at my wrists. No pressure that kept my arms together. This was something else but I couldn't clearly tell ...

What happened to me?

I dimly recalled I was somewhere. It was dark that time.

I remembered it slowly, in a dreamlike quality. I was talking with a guy... Was it Alaire...?

Ah, I know now. They took me, and I was apparently helpless. I was defenseless that time. Everything happened in a flash. It was a clever plan to capture me there.

But hey.

What am I doing? I should try to escape now. I needed to see her. But I couldn't move...

I tried moving once more. After a few seconds, or minutes, I gave up.

Why am I escaping again?

Oh, because I'm captured.

But it's good to rest here where it's peaceful.

No... I can't. There is someone I need to see.

And who is it again?


Why am I like this?

Am I drugged?

Perhaps, since I couldn't think straight. My thoughts disappeared the moment I had them.

This was Hernan's fault. A binding spell on me... and a strong one too.

Disoriented as I was, I struggled to loosen the heavy chains of magic on me. I tried to open my eyes, but it kept shut. Eternal darkness bounded me to slumber.

I didn't know how long I've been like this, but I felt that the longer I stayed here, the worse things would become.

*** Nancy's POV ***

I peeked sideways. He was evidently asleep. The cold evening breeze rustled his wild black hair, whipping it all over his face. I shifted nearer to him for warmth. My hands were unbearably numb, and for a moment I considered holding his. I wonder if they're warm...

We've been travelling for the entire day. Karr was exhausted, but he insisted on continuing our journey. We didn't stop to eat and rest; instead, we ate on his back. Right now, his pace was slower but he didn't complain. Well, that stubbornness must've come from his master.

Ali was being tough too. He kept his annoying grin on his face although his eyes showed his insecurities. Despite his efforts to look energetic, I could feel he was very tired. He kept on talking about parts of our past. I shut my mouth all throughout so after an hour or two he dozed off.

As for myself, I was nowhere near sleep. No, my head didn't hurt. Nothing was wrong with me. But that's my problem. Why was it that here I was all safe and unharmed, but those who knew me all suffered?

Why dis they keep on protecting me? Why couldn't they let me fight too? Why just me?

It was like deva ju. This was history repeating itself. Now that I started remembering things, everything made sense. I could understand why they felt this doubt in their hearts.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away, but more tears came running down.

Idiot. Tears can't save you, I told myself.

Why was this occurring again?

A decade ago, something like this happened too. The night before everyone left me. The night before my friends died, before the house burnt, before my brother hid me, before my parents were killed. The night before the House of Leone banished on the surface of this world.

It was like I was back to the past. Back then, everyone was worried too. There was a commotion within the grounds. No one knew what was happening anymore. My younger sister was abducted. But no one told me. They kept everything from me. Just like what Yhuelle did.

Will the same thing happen again?

Just like then, will I be left alone?

Will I lose Yhuelle this time?

No, no... I don't want this. This is so unfair.

I didn't ask for this.

Isn't taking my clan enough?

Isn't ruining my life enough?

What have I done wrong?

Why is Fate this cruel to me?

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