Encounter ((Chapter 2))

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I groaned as I turned to my side. My head hurt like hell and my chest felt so tight that normal breathing was impossible.

"You imbecile! Why did you do such a thing?!"

My eyes flew open as the unfamiliar husky voice spoke. Panic struck me as I saw a huge bearded man standing beside me. His ugly face was twisted in rage. I immediately squeezed my eyes shut again and pretended to be asleep.

"Sir Rolan, I -"

"What will Lord Ember say! I ordered you to bring the girl, not to hurt her!"

"But Sir, the red-hair was nearby. I won't be able to take her -"

"Silence!" boomed the husky voice, which I presumed was Rolan's. "I don't need excuses. get out of my sight."

I heard footsteps and a closing of a heavy door

Oh god, where am I? And who on earth are they? How long was I unconscious?

The last thing I remembered was that I was in my apartment. What happened next?

I tried to think hard, but I am too exhausted and my head was as crazy as a swarm of bees. I could not concentrate. I tried to peek with my left eye, and noticed that the Rolan guy rested on a wooden chair near the foot of the bed. He seemed preoccupied enough not to notice I was awake. I scanned the room as quickly as possible.

It was a small gray room. Other than a wooden cabinet and a small round table with four chairs, it was empty. There were no windows, so I couldn't even tell if it's nighttime. Can't I find something, anything, useful here? I sighed, too softly for him to hear. Maybe I should wait for him to leave me, then I can make my escape.

It felt like eons before he finally stood up from his place and left. I let a few seconds pass and scrambled up. I tried the door at once.

Damn! It's locked! I searched around, finding something that I could insert inside the key hole. Nothing. The cabinet was empty. There was only a cup of water and an apple on the table. Crap! Now, what should I do?

I sat on the bed to think. The bulge on my pants reminded me of something. My phone! How silly of me. I pulled it out and checked.

Only four hours have passed since my abduction. I tried to call my mom, but couldn't connect. To my total dismay, there was no signal on my phone.

Am I somewhere underground?

I was spacing out when I noticed the red casing of my phone. Something clicked in place. I tried to shake away the thought. How foolish.

I repeated in my head the short conversation I overheard. Did I hear right? Red hair? That's unusual. The only red haired I knew is Yhuelle. Why would he be around my house around that time? And based on the tone the other guy used, it seemed like he knew him from a long time ago.

Now that I had thought of it, I didn't know anything about Yhuelle. Only the fact that he's way out my league.

Is he connected with them?

If so, why am I kidnapped? Is it as bait? To lure him out?

What kind of mess have I gotten into?!?

I screamed in fright as the door slammed open. I threw the cup of water towards the guy with as much force as possible then made my way out of the open door.

"Wait! Nancy! It's me!" He grabbed my shoulder and spun around. It's Yhuelle.

"What - " My eyes bulged.

"Your skinny arms are not to be underestimated," he chuckled. I saw a huge cut on his forehead, with blood oozing down.

"Sorry, sorry!" I bit my lip as my hands flew to his face.

"Let's deal with this later. We need to hurry." He took my hand and ran towards another door. He was just too fast, my feet barely touching the ground since I was just getting pulled by him. On the corners of my eyes, I saw about a five men laying on the floor.

Did he beat them up?

He paused abruptly, causing me to slam on his hard back.

"That hurts! Why did you - ?" I said as I rubbed my nose with my free hand.

"Others are coming." was his only answer. Just then I heard heavy footsteps approaching us. He lead me on another hallway. Up the stairs, around the floor, into an elevator and out again. The bad guys are everywhere! We veered towards a room. When the guys passed by us, we went for the next case of stairs. He knew this place too well, so that confirmed my suspicions. He really knew them.

"This sucks you know?" I squinted hard as we found ourselves on the roof of the building. There was nowhere to run to. I felt sick all of a sudden. It's so damn high! Are we on the tenth or maybe twentieth floor?

Yhuelle must've felt my hand shaking cause he squeezed it gently. He gave me a reassuring nod and smile.

"Oh no! No! No, no, no!" I shook my head to the extreme that my neck hurts. I took a step away from him. "We're not going to jump, ne?"

"Don't worry. Trust me, please."

" 'Don't worry' my ass! Are you crazy?!" I was having hysterics.

Before I got the chance to run off, he pulled me into his arms and jumped. An ear-piercing scream escaped my mouth, emptying my lungs with air.

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