Falling Petals ((Chapter 32))

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*** Abrielle's POV ***

His strong arms felt good against my bare skin. He was keeping me warm, although my cheeks were warmer. His steady breathing was like music to my ears as I nestled myself closer to his chest. I couldn't stop the butterflies in my stomach whenever I recall what we just did. My cheeks were burning now, as I remembered how reckless we've been. Not that I cared much about the aftermath. This was my definition of heaven.

I stroked his wild crimson hair away from his face, carefully so that I wouldn't disturb his slumber. I noticed a faint smile tugging on the edges of his lips. He looked so peaceful and contended. His sleeping face was so stunningly perfect. It never failed to make me breathless, despite the fact that I saw it hundreds of times. I couldn't believe that he was mine, all mine.

What the hell was I doing? Why was I hesitating? This was exactly what I wished for, what I dreamed of since I met him. All I wanted was to have him, to own him. This was the life I wanted. I wouldn't have to leave him. I wouldn't have to sacrifice myself.

Who cares if Celes gets destroyed? So what? We could transfer all inhabitants to a parallel world, like Earth. I bet my people were more than capable of adapting to the life in the other Realm. That doesn't sound like a bad idea, right?

I mentally slapped myself. Who was I kidding? It wasn't that simple to begin with. Everyone loved our world, Celes, and I loved it more than anyone. I would give my all to protect it. I wouldn't risk losing the treasure that my House protected for centuries. I wouldn't allow the loss of our valued customs, and traditions. I wouldn't want my people to leave their homes, and lose their identities in the other Realm. No, so much was at stake. I needed to protect Celes for the future generations. At least I could offer myself for that goal.

My thoughts returned back to Yhuelle when he groaned. He whispered something so himself, and then returned back to his sleep. I couldn't help but smile at him.

Really, I would miss his sleep talking. I would miss his crooked smiles, and his reserved laughter. I would miss his crappy singing and his ignorance in cooking. I wouldn't forget how much he loved sea foods, and how he despised garlic. I couldn't forget all the memories we had since I met him, especially those golden moments roughly two years ago, the times when I fell in love with him. I would remember all of them, and on the final moment before I become the Core, it would be his face I will only see.

I felt warm tears trickling down my eyes. I immediately wiped them away with my free hand. He shouldn't see me in this state. He shouldn't know what I planned. It would hurt him so much. I knew it would. He love me, and I love him too, but I was about to give that up. I love him more than anything, but my conscience couldn't permit the loss that others would experience.

My happiness was nothing compared to Celes. I am just a single person, insignificant, compared to the effect that my choice would create for thousands of people. Their lives depended on me. I had no choice.

Reluctantly, I pulled my self away from him. He was a heavy sleeper, but I didn't risk any unnecessary movements. He needed to be unconscious, or else I wouldn't have the strength to leave him.

Leave him...

The thought of not seeing him was painful, so I diverted my mind elsewhere. As soon as I climbed down the bed, my whole body shivered. It was so uncomfortably cold. My teeth chattered as goosebumps appeared all over my naked body. I hastily bent to pick up my clothes, and wore them. I eyed Yhuelle, but it seemed like he was still sound asleep. I approached the bed, and smiled halfheartedly.

This would be the last time I could see him.

I bit my lower lip, trying to keep the sobs that were threatening to escape. No use wallowing. Nothing would change. I would just hurt myself by thinking negatively. I needed to see the bright side of things.

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