Dread ((Chapter 15))

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I sat frozen like ice.

"What's wrong? Hey!"

My anger evaporated as soon as I saw her grew still. I scrambled to her side, pulling her frail body as gently as my panicking can permit. I rubbed her back, pushed her hair away from her face and wiped her tears with the back of my hand.

"Look! I'm not angry anymore. See? Look at me!" I shook her limp shoulders. Oh God, what's happening here?

She was gasping for air, her small hands balled to tight fists. She grew paler by the moment. I don't know what to do. Should I head back to Orrin?

"Karr!" I ordered. "Bring us down at once!"

He crooned in response and quickly folded his wings over us. Before I knew it, we were swiftly spiraling down to the solid ground. I can feel the rush of air, the thrill of the fall, the pull of gravity. But a much stronger emotion filled me.


Only a second has passed. Karr deftly opened his majestic wings right before we hit the grassland. We landed safely, without getting noticed due to the earlier spell I casted on us.

"Karr, look after her for a while. I'm getting water."

With that, I hopped off him. He curled his neck to look at me straight in the eye. For a moment, I regretted leaving her side, but convinced myself that this is necessary.

With a weary smile, I jogged towards the nearest stream.


I don't know how long I've been running, but I still can't find the dam spring. I knew it was around this place. I used to come here when I was a child. Surely, I can't be mistaken. After a few steps, I found what I was looking for. I dashed towards the trickling sound, relieved.

The clear water of the spring flowed in a steady manner. I knelt at once at the banks and pulled out a wooden bottle out of my bag. I filled it to the brim and set off with haste.


She was still unconscious when I arrived, much to my disappointment. Still, I felt better. I don't know why. Maybe because on my way here, I was expecting something worse. I'm getting paranoid.

I placed a cup of water within reach, so that I can easily get it when she woke up. I sat beside her, waiting for her to regain strength. I stroke her agonized face with faltering fingers.

"Please wake up, Abrielle..." I murmured.

I sighed. Is she sick? Was she hiding it all along? I grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse, but it's pretty normal. She's not even hot. I mean, she's hot, but her temperature is NOT that hot.

So what's wrong with her?

Should I bring her to a doctor?

As I was watching her face, realization hit like lightning. Damn. Why didn't I grasp this sooner?

She crashed!

I'm so stupid! Letting her remember everything at once. Getting all mad at her. Pulling her around without getting proper rest. She didn't even sleep! Didn't she just cried her eyes out? The sudden flood of information and the weight of her burdens were too much for a day. And didn't the seal of her magic just broke? Her body is still not used to it, probably weakening her.

Why didn't she told me sooner? She must be so tired, but didn't complain. She acted all cheerful a while ago, to hide her weariness. How can I not notice that?

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