Innuendo ((Chapter 31))

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*** Abrielle's POV ***

"The deal..."

The indigo sky gradually turned to a big dreary patch of gray mass, rendering no help to lift my spirits. Although it was about time for the sun to appear, no light escaped the thick filtering clouds. The atmosphere felt heavy, against every instinct I have, and I could predict a storm was about to be formed. I was already stiff from the three hours I wasted sitting under an ancient tree in the Silver Glade.

My head was clear, but my heart was in deliberation, though I have no time to spare. The wheel of Fate had started turning, and time was rapidly escaping my attention. I knew I had to act now for the destruction of Celes had begun. The abnormal weather was one clear proof. I have stayed long enough in this area to know that this kind of weather was next to impossible under normal circumstances. The Silver Glade was in the middle part of mainland Celes, hundreds of leagues afar from the nearest seaport. A storm in this tranquil sanctuary was unheard of.

I knew I have to leave now, or else everyone will come looking for me, so I stood up and paced slowly back to my home. The nearer I get to the place, the heavier my chest felt.

God, how am I to face him?

I broke his heart, due to my own ignorance, but now that my memories were back, I needed to say farewell. The deal I made with Razi was now in effect, and as soon as I severed the bonds I had with everyone, I was bound to leave them. This was a one-shot chance given to me by Razi as a gift. He allowed me to spend time with them before I went to Pandaea. He knew this wouldn't end well, but he tried to make things easier for me. He was truly a faithful servant of the Leone's.

When I reached the front door, I was surprised to find Ali on the opposite side, hurriedly tying his long boots.

"Good morning Ali," I greeted with a smile. He was surprised to see me. "Are you going out?"

"I was about to fetch you," he chuckled under his breath. "But it seemed unnecessary."

"Sorry. Was everyone worried?"

"Yeah, of course you dummy!" He pulled me inside, and gestured me towards the main hall. He was not joking. Before even stepping in, I felt the heavy atmosphere inside the room, their feelings flooding me uncomfortably. I really hate it when these kinds of things happen.

"Yolan, where have you been?" Wrynlace embraced me in a motherly fashion.

"I was relaxing in the Glade," I replied impishly. I chatted with them in a carefree manner, increasingly making them feel at ease. Despite my efforts into engaging myself to them, my thoughts were not with them. I was thinking of my Yhue who locked himself shut in his room.

According to my intuition, I could delay my plans till midnight at most. The worse part of the Core problem will manifest itself probably by dawn tomorrow, so I had less than a day to spend with my friends. I needed to maximize this hours for them. This would be my last time to have them in my confidence, so I have to try making them as happy as possible.

Hours have passed, and I couldn't fool myself into saying I didn't enjoyed my time. They were all very thoughtful, and sweet, and kind. I knew I would miss them, but I did my best not to show any negative emotions. The last thing I would want was their pity, and their worry.

It was an almost perfect goodbye. Almost, because I was able to know that I would leave my dear friends in a happy disposition, although they would surely get mad at me for my decision. Almost, because I didn't spend enough time with the person I cherished the most. Almost, because I know this goodbye would leave a hole on the part where my heart used to be. Almost, since this was a sacrifice that would forfeit my reason for existing.

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