Heal ((Chapter 21))

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I tried reading this whole thing from the start...and WOW! I didn't realize I've gone this far! It's all thanks to you guys... THANKS for the SUPPORT!

And oh, I will try to stick with one POV for the moment.. Having all of them at each chapter made it kinda confusing ain't it?

Comments and votes, thanks!


*** Alaire's POV***

For a moment, I forgot who I am. Everything turned cloudy black, despite the fact that we were outside the palace grounds and the sun was high in the sky. No. I didn't see that. I didn't notice the sick sound my broken hand made when I clenched my fists. I was too numb to feel the pain. Nothing mattered to me aside from the bleeding body of the girl I love .

My presence was hidden from them by the protruding rocks beside me, so he can't see me. I stood outside the cave like a living stone. My whole body was trembling like a time bomb about to set off. Seeing everything before my very eyes was too much. Too painful.

My vision became tinted in murderous red. I saw Lord Embry and felt the desire to rip him apart. I wanted to be savage, to be deadly. I wanted to kill the man in white robe standing over her. But I was too angry too move. Too shock. Too much of everything.

Something was burning inside me, clawing from the marrow of my bones as I saw her lying on the ground. It was intense. I couldn't define it in words. It was an instinct.

Before I realized what I was doing, I was already just a few feet away from Embry.


With a Burst spell on my legs, I lunged at him in full speed. Before he even had the chance to turn around., my fist connected with his jaw. The momentum threw him off guard and fell a few feet from us.

"You sick piece of shit! You really wanna die- hell?!" I was kicking him, but was suddenly thrown away by his Telekinesis. I hit my head on the ground, but ignored the fresh throbbing pain.

In an instant, he was by my side. He stepped on my chest, with his staff poised fatally near my neck. One wrong move and I'm done for. He was smirking as he spat blood on my face.

"Who do we have here?" He tapped my head. "Isn't this my cute little nephew?"

"What did you do to her?! What - ?!"

He slammed his metallic staff against my jaw with a force that nearly broke my head. I coughed blood out as I gasped for air. My mouth became detached of any feelings. For all I knew, it must be all numb and swelling red.

"You impertinent fool!" he barked as he rubbed the part of his face that I hit. "I can never forgive you for this!"

He started hitting me with his damn staff. I heard my bones snapping, but oddly enough, I can't feel anything. Is this the feeling of someone dying?

No. I need to protect Abrielle. But I can't fight him. I don't have my powers yet. The Tunnel nullified them all, and I still need a good half hour to Replenish. The Burst I used a while ago was probably just a fluke, out of my anger.

"Abrielle...." I whispered as a tear fell from my eye.

Out of nowhere, a white flash of sizzling light made the bastard jump away from me. His face looked surprised, as the ball of light exploded. Three spell casters appeared between us.

As blurry as my sight was, I knew they were familiar people. I knew I've met them before, but it seemed like ages ago.

"Era, use Replenish on both of them.They are greatly injured.," commanded a woman with long brown hair and strange silver eyes. From her dress, I can tell she is a priestess from the House of Marinoel.

"Wait," answered the lady who was suddenly holding my hand. "I need to stop him from bleeding first!"

"No! Abrielle first! Heal her at once!" I cried out with a hoarse voice. I grabbed her arm and shook it with panic. "I'm doing better than her. Hurry!"

"I've dealt with her. Don't worry. She's doing great , don't you see?" She motioned me to look to my left. From afar, I saw Abrielle laid down peacefully under the Sacred Tree. There was blood all over her, but I noticed her breathing was even and her wounds were slowly closing. That was great relief.

"It was all thanks to you. You bought us enough time to heal her. We came too late and - "

"Doesn't matter," I cut her off. The terror that filled me just seconds ago evaporated into the thin air. I felt at peace now. This Era girl smiled at me and then started healing me. Regeneration was a pretty nasty experience. I felt the drive to scratch my itching injuries as they slowly return to normal. To avoid that, I focused on anything trivial for a moment. Where have I met this guys?

Era was a lady younger than me by a year or two. She had a short orange hair barely above her shoulders and a set of deep black eyes. She looked like the type of meek girl that has zero fighting abilities. If I remember correctly...

Suddenly, I heard another explosion. While we were talking, it seemed like a fight has begun between Embry and the other two. I strained my eyes, but all I could see was just flickers and shadows. Damn, how can they move so fast?

The fight stopped for a while. Embry stepped away from him and landed on an invisible platform in the sky. The other one landed noiselessly on the soil. The third spell caster was actually a boy in his midteens. He had reddish hair and a terrifying shade of gray eyes. He had a bow and spear arrow on his hands. He was an archer? But isn't he fighting him close-range just a while ago? Nevermind.

He was aiming for the bastard.

Embry took off for a mere second, but a piece of root tightened against his trunk and pulled him to the ground. The Marinoel priestess was just below him. She was chanting spells that made the ground shook and huge boulders came soaring in the air. Whoa, an Earth mage huh?

I was taken off my trance when Era tapped my arms.

"You feeling okay?" she asked with worry.

"Yeah, " I replied as I sat up. "Thanks."

"Tharne and Wyrnlace are having a fair fight with him, thanks to you and Yolan," she said as she pulled me up. "He's an Alpha, so he had plenty of spells under his sleeves. But you and Yolan exhausted his supply of magic. I think we had a good chance of defeating him."

Yolan? I see, these guys still call her that. Now, that justifies my suspicion about them.

"You guys were the ones who helped us fight the former Alphas right? About Lord Fard's death?"

"Oh, so you remembered!" She blushed. She was about to say something more, but I hurried towards Abrielle's side. She was still unconscious. I sat beside her as I pulled her hands to mine.

"Alaire! Abrielle!"

I turned around to see the owner of the voice.

"Yhuelle!" I gasped as I saw a ragged red - hair running towards us.

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