Chapter 14 ~ Let the problems begin...

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"Holly burned potatoes on toast" Was the curse Gabriella oh-so-brightly made up to greet her sister with.


An hour.

From that night onward those two simple words began to hold a deeper meaning for Gabriella which was completely understandable since it was all it took to change her life drastically. The change was so brutal that she still couldn't swallow the fact that it had happened.

She was now sat on a bench of a little park they had in their neighborhood, thinking. Two suitcases were situated next to her. Her clothes were all wrinkled and gnawed.  Her hair looked like she had stuck it in a tumble dryer for a while. Just the time to give it that nice little tousled look you have every morning when you wake up.

To put it simple, she looked like a homeless beggar.

Apart from her looks, her features held a triumphant grin. Anyone who came across her would think she was smirking wickedly .Gabriella had confirmed that hypothesis when a couple and their son  passed by.

"Mom! Dad!" The boy said frightened "Can we go a little fatter, this auntie is scary." Then, the sound of Gabriella's laughter resonated from the dark park. The boy started screaming and within seconds the family was nowhere in sight.

 Well I guess this makes her homeless, a beggar and  crazy.

Now stop, don't get the wrong idea. Out of the three assumptions above only one corresponded to her situation.

Gabriella was everything but crazy. She let out that loud laugh when she noticed that the little boy was scared of her. Somebody was actually scared of her not the other way around. If you had social phobia this would probably be a big accomplishment but for Gabriella, the only thing she could sense was the irony of the situation which, in turn, lead to the wicked laughter.

Another thing that made her laugh was the little mistake the boy made when he talked. She found him really cute. She would have waved to him if he wasn't going to piss his pants as a response.

Now for the beggar part. Gabriella, even though she was jobless, she had some money. Her father felt the need to replace his absence with something. He knew money wasn't near as equal as to be there for his daughters, but it was still something. So he made a bank account for each, which he filled every month.

Gabriella's account was nearly untouched. She didn't need to spend a lot of money because, first, she would have to go out, which proved to be quite difficult with her phobia. The second reason was the lack of friends to go out with. Of course now she had Meagan so it wasn't the case anymore.

Anyway, the point is that Gabriella was nowhere near being a beggar.

Now on to the third and last fact, which was also true. Gabriella was homeless.

Allow me take you a few hours ago when she went from having a nice home to wandering on the streets. Hopefully along the way you will understand why she looked the way she did.

*** About two hours ago***

"Gabriella!" Maria shouted as soon as she entered her house and saw her sweet, innocent and unbelievably disgusting sister in a sort of compromising position with the only man she couldn't lay a hand on.

Oh boy! Nothing could express how much she hated her at that moment.

Gabriella could sense the abhorrence and repulsion emanating from her sister. She could also feel that the night was not going to be an easy one. She was used to her mother and sister's yelling but not this time, she firmly told herself. Her style, her unladylike manners, even her books could be criticized. Everything but him.

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