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Nia woke up with her head on Bellamy's chest

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Nia woke up with her head on Bellamy's chest. As she studied his face she recalled the events from the night. The way his hands had been on her. The feeling of his lips on her skin. It seemed almost like a dream to her as she laid there.

Too lost in her thoughts she hadn't noticed he had woke until she felt him draw patterns on her back. He would linger on her kill marks on her left shoulder blade before going to the arrow that lined her spine. Her right arm held one on her upper arm with her clan symbol on her forearm with a healer symbol next to it.

They stayed in that moment intertwine with one another. But because of their influential status they had to deal with the camp around them.

Before Nia could go further from Bellamy he pulled her back into a kiss and they went to their own business. Bellamy would be speaking with Kane while Nia would get ready for her trip to Polis the next day.

When she had finished packing her stuff she had left to find her brother. She hadn't spoken much with him and wondered how he was dealing with the kill order. The two had hunted and fought together since they were little, so having Nia on her own is a difference.

She was able to locate him with Jade training with another sword. The girl was still little but she needed to master more than her own sword.

"She's doing well." Nia commented as she approached Lincoln after he sent the girl off.

"She's a fast learner." Lincoln input as he set the sword he was using down.

"She has a good teacher." Nia added as she took a seat beside Lincoln. "Which is surprising seeing how you haven't had a good fight in awhile." She teased and nudged his shoulder a bit.

"Says you." He fired back with a smile.

"I don't know being behind these walls, you may have lost your touch." Nia stood before standing up and anything that might get in the way. She knew where she was going with her teasing and it was only a moment before Lincoln would to.

"Wanna test that theory, Zhalia?" Lincoln said standing as the two began to circle one another.

Nia sent him a smile before she charged forward and swung. Lincoln sidestepped her attack and blocked her next punch. He grabbed ahold of her wrist but that didn't stop her from being her knee into his side.

He stumbled back before regaining his balance. She kicked her leg up but he ducked down missing her foot. Taking an advantage of his position he swung out his leg kicking her out from underneath her. She landed on her back and sprung back up quickly.

All of these antics caused some to gather around and watch as the siblings battled each other. When Kane and Bellamy arrived they went to break them apart but were stopped quickly by Alec.

"They are training." He told them allowing them to take a step back. "They won't go to far. They know what they're doing."

Wordlessly, the two took a step back and watched as they advanced toward one another again.

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