Lifting The Blockade

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Bellamy, Fox, and Jade were waiting anxiously since Nia and Indra had left

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Bellamy, Fox, and Jade were waiting anxiously since Nia and Indra had left. The mission was risky and they could get caught at my moment. A moment later they started entering the cave one by one. But something was different, something was wrong. They all head the same sorrowful expressions.

After Octavia entered they still looked ahead waiting for Lincoln to appear. But he never made his appearance making them feel the worse.

"Where's Lincoln?" Bellamy was the one to question his whereabouts.

"Pike put a bullet in his brain." Octavia replied bluntly with no emotion.

It was silent as they came to terms with his death. None of them could believe he was actually gone.

Tears began to roll down Jade's cheeks as she thought of him. Fox pulled her into her side and gently rubbed soothing circles on her back. Both wondering how Nia would take the news. Especially after just learning of Lexa's death. They were already on eggshells with her but this would push her over the edge.

"O. O, I am so sorry." Bellamy tried to apologize but it only angered her as she sent a punch to his face.

The action caught them all off guard. She sent two more punches as Bellamy simply took them.

"Octavia, that's enough." Kane told her not wanting it to continue.

"Kane, stay out of this." Bellamy spoke against him. He had been trying to get any interaction from her or Nia and if this was it he'd take it. Besides a part of him was telling he deserved it. That it was his fault. That he killed Lincoln and Alec.

No one said nothing as Octavia continued her assault. She sent punch after punch, opening wounds till blood began to come out.

"Stop, that's enough." Miller tried to pull Octavia away when Bellamy was down. But she pushed him off as a sob came out.

"Miller, back off." Bellamy told him not wanting any of them to interfere. She sent two more hard punches sending him back down. Her rage visible as she mourned Lincoln.

"You're dead to me." She said as she chocked back her sobs.

The words made Bellamy's heart stop. His whole life, all he had done was to keep her safe, not caring what happened to him but now he had push it beyond the limit. He lost one of his girls. What would Nia do to him when she found out?

It was silent after the confrontation as no one knew what to do. Everyone avoiding any eye contact with either Blake siblings. But it was someone they hadn't expect to help him.

Jade grabbed her pack and made her way to Bellamy. She didn't say a word as she sat there and began to clean his wounds. Everyone watched her as she just cleaned in silence. Nia had been training her to be a healer and now she could prove her teachings.

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