Getting Out

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Bellamy stared at Clarke in shock

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Bellamy stared at Clarke in shock. How was she here? He didn't expect to see her after everything that had happened in Polis.

"Go easy on Octavia. I had to beg her to get me into camp." Clarke was the first to speak once Octavia had left the room.

"What are you doing here, Clarke?" He asked trying to figure out what their plan was.

"We need to talk." She answered knowing they didn't have much time.

"You've decided that? The mighty Wanheda, who chose the Grounders over her own people? Who turned her back on us when we came to rescue you? Now, you want to talk?" He words sarcastic as he spoke.

"I came to tell you that the Ice Nation has paid. Justice has been served for the attack on Mount Weather. I came here to tell you it's over." Clarke tried to reason.

"There it is again. Why do you get to decide it's over?" Bellamy was getting more frustrated with everything.

"We did our part." Clarke responded but the response wasn't one to Bellamy's liking.

"We?" Bellamy asked but a part of him knew the answer.

"Lexa and I-" Clarke trailed off when she noticed the expression on Bellamy's face.

There is was again, her name. It seemed like all the important people in his life depended on her. The person who betrayed them had their trust the most.

"The Ice Queen is dead. The problem is solved and you let Pike ruin everything." Clarke continued speaking.

"Why are you here, Clarke?" Bellamy questioned getting tired off all the lectures he had received about Pike.

"Arkadia needs to make things right. Or Lexa and the Twelve Clans will wipe us out." Clarke provided the choices they were given.

"Let her try." Bellamy replied confident in their abilities.

"Please tell me that going to war is not what you want." Clarke begged him to take the alternative.

"We've been at war since we landed. At least Pike understands that." Bellamy defended their decisions.

"Pike is the problem. This isn't who you are." Clarke needed go get through to him. She needed him to help her stop this war.

"You're wrong. This is who I've always been. And I let you and Octavia and Kane and even Nia convince me that we could trust these people." Bellamy retorted back to her. "When they have shown over and over who they are. And I won't let anyone else die for that mistake."

"So that's it? Pike is right, no matte what?" Clarke tried another tactic. "What if he wanted Nia dead, like all the others? Would you just hand her over without a fight? Because let's face the facts, she is Trikru and if Pike wants all of them gone, that includes her."

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