A Trap

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"I should be going with you

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"I should be going with you." Bellamy complained as he watched Nia get ready for the summit.

"It's just Polis, nothing will happen. Jade and Fox are coming with me while Alec will join you at the mountain." Nia informed hoping it might give him a sense of comfort.

"I'd rather be there if anything should go wrong." Bellamy insisted.

"We'd be under the protection of the commander, Bellamy. Beside your leg needs to heal." Nia added in.

"My leg is fine. Kane is just putting me on the run because of what happened with Ice Nation." Bellamy disagreed with her reasoning.

"Well there is nothing we can do now. We'll go to the summit and maybe convince Lexa about the mountain. You just make sure the exposition team will be okay." Nia tried to reassure.

Bellamy sighed knowing there was nothing he could do. Kane had made up his mind. He just needed to accept that fact but it was easier said then done.

The couple made their way down to the hanger where the teams would be meeting. Nia and Jade would ride on a horse together while Fox would take Alec's horse. But since Fox would take Alec's horse that left Alec riding in the Rover.

Soon it was time for Nia to leave. Bellamy gave her a kiss before she mounted her horse and helped the younger girl behind her. They looked at each other one more time before the group left. Bellamy turned and went back to helping the others load up.

They traveled on the road toward Polis and not long after they arrived outside the city. They parked their truck and began to unload.

"We're at the Polis city limits. From here, we go on foot. Lexa's guards will be here soon. All guns and radios stay in the truck. Her people will escort us to the summit. Nelson, Hall, stay here, man the radio?" Kane began to relay instructions.

But when he went to the back he noticed something on one of his guards. He checked behind him to see if Nia was close by. But the girls were gathered at the sign and unloading themselves from the weapons.

"What is that?" He hissed out as he looked at the device.

"It's a med kit." The guard answered simply.

"A med kit from Mount Weather? The place where thousands of their people were killed. You can't bring this into Polis." Kane informed. How Nia had acted before suggested that they wouldn't be so open with opening Mount Weather for medical reasons but hopefully this summit would help them. But right now they couldn't have anything break the truce when they were so close to establishing a better one.

"Don't take it out on him. If you're going to be mad; be mad at me." Abby input. She knew he been mad with her recent decision.

"Moving people into Mount Weather puts our entire agenda at risk. You knew that. And you did it anyway." Kane spoke in a hushed tone. Nia hadn't been privy to this information seeing how she had reacted the last time, they saw it best that they keep the information from her.

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