Odds End

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They had done it

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They had done it. They had stopped a takeover minutes before it overcame them. But now they had to deal with all the devastation it left in its wake.

Those who were chipped were trying their best to grasp the reality they had awoken too. Not only did ALIE take pain and suffering away but she had also brought more to them.

After checking every one on the current floor they were on, Nia and the girls had begun their descent down the tower. There were more of their people below that would need their assistance.

Nia was the first down the ladder and once her foot stepped down she glanced around taking in all the emotion that went through the air. The once lively atmospshere that surround the capital was gone. In its place was the sound of whimpers and moans of those hurt. ALIE had taken strength and broke it. What would happen to everyone affected? The anger buried in themselves would rise and the consequences would be worse.

A voice called out to her taking her attention from the scene. "Nia, I am glad to see you have survived." A rather large man called flanked by two others as he approached her. 

"Can I help you?" She questioned not having the time to counterattack with so many injured.

"I am Tate kom Trikru, I was ordered by Lexa to fight by your side but I wasn't able to make it out of the capital when it came under seige. But I am here now to ensure that duty is carried out and with all that had happened, we need our general to take order." He offered an explaination for her.

The statement that he had said snapped Nia back into their reality. She was still the general and as the general she needed to ensure the safety of her people in the capital and among their lands. And right now they needed her to rally them together.

"Okay, right now we need to establish our numbers. How many of our people are here and if they are wounded. We need a place to bring our wounded and one we can defend if we have too. Can you help me on that?" Nia listed before turning to the ones standing in front of her.
"Of course Nia. I can get it done but with many clans in Polis you'd be in danger. Consider these two your guards until I return." Tate responded knowing that they needed to get some control of their surroundings.

"I'll go with him. It's best if Jade stays with you and helps with the wounded." Fox spoke out willing to help in any way she could. But since she wasn't a healer like the two, she thought it best if she helped in another aspect she excelled at.

Nia nodded her head at the statement agreeing that would be the best scenario. As the two left to gather numbers the rest turned to the wounded around them.

By this time the ones from Skaikru had begun to trickle out of the tower. First was Octavia, after ALIE had been defeated the girl didn't waste much time in killing Pike righting the wrongdoings he had done. Now her priority was finding Indra and Nia to ensure their well-being. Her eyes settle on Indra who was being taken down the post where she hung. From her position she could see Nia in the distance offeing help to other wounded and despite wanting to go to her She had to help Indra.

Skaikru ☣ Bellamy Blake [2]Where stories live. Discover now