Ai Gonplei Ste Odon

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Jade's sobs were quiet but filled the air beside Bellamy's yells

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Jade's sobs were quiet but filled the air beside Bellamy's yells. She was bound alonside Bellamy with no means to escape. Bellamy kept pulling at his restraints cutting them deeper into his wrist.

The sound of the door opened and Murphy entered. He was shocked to see the state of Bellamy's wrist paying no mind to the girl crying in the corner.

Bellamy spoke to him hoping Murphy might help him get the door open, but the boy was protecting someone he cared for. He left the room soon after leaving them to their solitude.

Above the time was growing closer for them to face the clans but the door had yet to be opened. Nia paced the floor anxious at how Jade was doing below and if they would ever be reunited.

"They've made their choice, Octavia. We have to find another way in." Indra spoke to her as the time was running out.

"There is no other way. This one stayed hidden for 100 years." Octavia pointed out bringing the fact that they might not be getting inside.

"Then we should break it open." Indra suggested but the suggestion was no use.

"Then it won't protect anyone. Bellamy will find a way." Octavia replied confident in her brother.

"The black rain is keeping the clans at bay for now. But when it stops, and they find out what you're people did." Indra informed not liking the odds stacked against them.

"They stole the bunker. They're not my people anymore." Octavia spoke a little too loudly as a person emerged from the shadows.

"I wondered why Kane was stalling." Echo announced her presence.

Nia pulled her sword out and made a step toward Echo. They needed to keep this situation to themselves. "I'm gonna enjoy this."

"Nia, no." Octavia stopped her before she could deliver her first blow.

"Skaikru dishonors us all yet again. When the people find out, you'll pay for this in blood." Echo stated before going to leave.

"Skaikru wasn't the only clan that showed dishonor at the conclave, was it?" Octavia responded making Echo halt. "I know you were disguised as a warrior on the battlefield, and I know Roan caught you. I even know that he banished you for it."

"Is this true?" Indra asked allowed at the facts that Octavia provided.

"If the scouts check the Blue Cliff warrior's body, they'll find Azgeda arrows." Octavia supported her statement.

"And Roan didn't have a bow." Nia commented know that Echo's specialty was bow.

"Azgeda broke the rules. They should not have a place in this bunker." Indra said still disliking Azgeda after everything.

"Wonkru, Indra. I will not banish an entire clan because of one person's sins." Octavia announced applying to both situations at hand.

"What do you want?" Echo asked unsure why she wasn't dead at that moment.

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