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"He did what?" Nia asked in shock about the information she had just been given

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"He did what?" Nia asked in shock about the information she had just been given.

As soon as they entered though the gates Fox had run over and began rambling. From what she had heard from Nathan Miller was that Bellamy had turned in his guard jacket.

She knew that something was off since he had left that morning but she didn't think he would do this. After telling Alec to take their bags and explain to the girls what they would be doing, she set out to find Bellamy.

He had been in his room when she knocked. In his hands was the book that Gina had given him before which was surprising to her seeing how Jade had rarely let it out of sight. She knew about the memorial service being held later and wondering if she would be attending.

She wanted to stay away and let them grieve for their friends. But she always wanted to be there for Bellamy and she needed him to know that.

"You turned in your guard jacket." She stated unsure where she was taking this conversation.

"It needed to be done. You wouldn't understand." Bellamy responded back not wanting to go into further detail.

"But wouldn't I. I am a great warrior, Bellamy, I have held a position of leadership. I have made decisions that have cost others their lives and I've taken lives. I had ghost just as you do. If anyone would understand I'd be me." Nia ranted out. She hated how close off he had been and simply wanted him to talk with her.

But Bellamy stayed silent. He didn't know what to tell her and figured it'd be best to stay quiet. After all how do you tell your girlfriend that you blamed her for the death of others. Sure she hadn't been there when it had happened or had any acknowledgement about it. But she was a Grounder and all they understood was war and strength.

"Talk to me, Bellamy. I'm trying to be here for you and help you through this but how can I when you won't speak to me." Nia tried to reach out on last time. She laid a hand on his arm only for him to rip his away. The gesture alone hurt Nia.

They had had arguments before but not once had he reacted in such away. This attack had been started a change inside Bellamy and she wasn't sure how to handle it. It would change the whole dynamics of their relationship.

So he stayed silent still. Not saying a word. He just wanted to keep her, Jade and Octavia safe no matter the consequences. But how could he do that, if he trusted false information from someone who had always wanted them dead. How could he protect anyone if he had just let his own people die?

Nia took his silence as an answer. He wouldn't talk with her and she could only hope that he would soon. She walked over to the door and opened it but before she left she locked eyes with him. His eyes held many emotions of pain and anger but there was nothing she could do if he wouldn't talk. So she just turned and walked out the door.

She made her way to the outside of the Ark when Alec and the girls joined her. They all wondered what had happened between her and Bellamy but she offered no response.

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