Cutting Ties

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Their time was getting shorter as the radiation was coming closer than they could have ever anticipated

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Their time was getting shorter as the radiation was coming closer than they could have ever anticipated. It was only a matter of time before the fears became a reality. Luckily for them all, Skaikru had found a solution one that would save them all of the pain and suffering. But unluckily for them, they didn't think beyond the wanting to survive. The need to keep living caused them to get started on their solution without consulting any of the other parties involved. The secrecy of this plan would unravel the ties holding them all together.

Nia had played her role effortlessly as she kept the peace among them. No one outside of their circle knew of her workings against the truce set in place. She needed them to believe she was fighting for them but in truth she was fighting against all it stood for. She was fighting for the future of her people and if it meant her putting up a façade then so be it.

This allowed Kane and Octavia in their embassy as they had no other place to go. Nia had no problem with Octavia but Kane seemed to play peacemaker more than once and she couldn't allow him to know about the Flame. Now that he was being called before Roan, it gave her the perfect opportunity to check up on Gaia.

Kane had wanted nothing more than to repair the damaged relationship between Nia and Skaikru, as she was the biggest ally they had. Now he realized how much she had helped their lives but now she might be a big obstacle to face. But for now that talk would have to wait as he walked toward the Azgeda embassy, an odd request.

"Is there a reason we're meeting in the embassy?" Kane questioned as all important business was handled through the throne room. "I would have thought-"

"Tell me the plan." Roan got right to the point.

"The plan?" Kane asked confused as to what Roan was trying to point out to him.

"It's been 3 weeks since Clarke told me Praimfaya would once again destroy our world. Skaikru asked for time to find a solution. What do you have to show for it?" Since the news about the Flame had begun to spread, Roan could tell that the atmosphere shift as clans would begin to rise up against him soon. He couldn't allow that.

"We're still working on it. Hopefully, with more time-" Kane answered simply The plan in placed was simply a theory and had no solid lead on how long that might take. Plus the knowledge of what they were doing could implement them all the same. If it was anyone he'd be willing to share the plan with it would be Nia and Indra before Roan would ever gain knowledge.

"Enough. Echo." Roan called out making Kane turn to the door.

The sight that was brought in was a shock to him. He did not expect to see two of his own captive. "Stephens. Bellamy. Are you all right? What is this?"

"Echo saw your people rebuilding your ship." Roan explained their motives. "She captured these two hunting in my woods. This one says it's a shelter from the radiation."

Skaikru ☣ Bellamy Blake [2]Where stories live. Discover now