A Close Call

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Relief filled many as they heard of the great news

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Relief filled many as they heard of the great news. The bunker had been found and could save them all.

Everyone left to gather their belongings. They had a long trip ahead of them especially if they wanted to beat Praimfaya there.

When the news was announced the hope that Bellamy lost rode in him again. Not only would their people have a chance to live but Nia and the girls would as well. He wanted nothing more than to head to Polis but he needed to help his people get there first. Could this be his second chance at a new life, one where he wouldn't make the same mistakes?

Since the bunker had been found things have been set quickly. Trikru set forth an alliance that would help make sure Azgeda weren't allowed inside. But Azgeda was quick to surround the temple making sure no one could get inside.

Making an agreement with Skaikru for Roan's access into the bunker was put into jeporady when the guard detail bringing him in didn't return. Nia had a feeling it was because the rest of Azgeda would be left outside with only him inside. She could understand that notion but it was not going to change their minds about the idea. But nonetheless the alliance among the clans needed to be ensure especially when they face a large army.

Now they were informed of Roan wanting to meet with them no doubt about what had happened. Nia told Fox to stay with the girls while she and the other war chiefs met with him. Tate was still standing guard up top to make sure that no one could take the bunker from them.

"We were searched outside." Clarke noted to the guards that searched them once more after they entered the temple.

Roan had taken her with him in hopes that she would be able to make them see reason. But his hopes weren't high seeing that the clans had always held a grudge against his.

"If I'm not back in a hour, my army will attack." Roan commented to Tate who watched over them.

"Nothing would make me happier." Tate replied with a glare. He would be willing to fight them no matter what as long as it kept the bunker in their possession.

Clarke glanced at the walls and saw the drawings that decorating them before her eyes settled on Gaia. The priestess was praying while paying no attention to the matter at hand.

"You must be Gaia. I'm-" Clarke began to introduce but Gaia cut her off.

"I know who you are Wanheda." Gaia said with disinterest.

"You helped my people find the bunker. Thank you for that." Clarke continued hoping that if she had Gaia on her side then maybe she could help persuade the others.

"And you gave the Flame to an unworthy king, who say it destroyed. I am not as grateful." Gaia stated back sticking to her side. She wasn't going to allow the Flame to fall into the hands of someone else, when she had dedicated her life to protect it. Not to mention Nia had helped her get it back and she owed her that at least.

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