Trust Is An Easy Thing To Lose

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Kane looked to Lincoln and watched as he so easily calmed the nerves of his people

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Kane looked to Lincoln and watched as he so easily calmed the nerves of his people. A part of him wished he could so easily speak with his own.

"You inspire them." Kane complimented as Lincoln approached him.

Lincoln released a soft chuckle as he heard this. Normally, it was Nia who always did the talking. She had a way with words and could change the minds of others with them.

"You should've seen Nia." He commented taking a seat beside the man.

As Kane thought of this, he realized how right he was. Nia had always been able to speak out and stop an initial attack on them. He only wished that another could have seen this too. Then maybe they would be in the predicament they were in now.

"I'm not gonna let you give up either." Lincoln stated, not liking how this leader could go from wanting peace to accepting death.

"Chancellor on deck." Someone announced bringing everyone's attention to the group that walked in.

"I had more time." Kane commented thinking Pike was there for him.

But that wasn't the case at all. Since he had executed Alec and heard the cry of Nia, he felt accomplished that the Grounders saw what he could do to the others within their walls. But a part of him feared, he had angered a bigger demon and felt the need to make his point stand and there was only one way to prove it.

"I'm not here for you." He spoke to Kane before looking at them all. "Each of you is guilty of the same crimes as Kane and as such, you will share the same fate, death."

Someone spoke up and questioned his words and all he had to do was wait. It didn't take long as Lincoln jumped up and approached, standing in front of him, and looking through the cage at him.

"My people are innocent. They know nothing. Don't let then suffer for my crimes. Please." Lincoln negotiated.

"Sir, Lincoln's right. All the others did was run through an open door. Same thing we would do if we were in there." Bellamy supported making Pike's plan work.

"I believe that's true. Kane, Lincoln, Sinclair, as the leaders of this coup, you will pay for your crimes with your life. Execution is set for dawn." Pike sentenced, pleased that his plan had actually worked.

Killing Alec was not going to be enough. He wanted to break Nia's hold that she had over Bellamy and in order to do that, he had to break her. But little did he know that her spiral into darkness had begun and by sentencing Lincoln, he had only strengthen Bellamy's urge to make things right with her.

Since finding out Pike's intention to traitors, Bellamy and Monty had tried to find a way to get the prisoners out. But now with Lincoln's life on the line as well and the ticking clock among them, they needed to move quickly. This lead them to stand outside the door of an old friend hoping to help.

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