Just A Moment

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Death is inevitable but living life means that death can be unpredictable

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Death is inevitable but living life means that death can be unpredictable. But knowing that Praimfaya is coming takes that element away. Life became bleak for those who would get no chance at a longer one.

As the days went by Nia could sense the changes in the girls. While Fox was still willing to stand with her they all seemed to have a damper mood. They shouldn't be in Polos guarding a tower that might not even be useful to them. But they couldn't leave their post or else it would show weakness. It made Nia remember when the last time they were happy without anything disturbing that happiness.

Nia called Indra over as the plan formed in her head. The two went to an area where they wouldn't be bothered.

"I need to go out and I need you to take command." Nia informed set on her decision. It was only a matter of time for her to hand the army back over but it never seemed like time. Right now seemed like the opportunity for the warriors to begin to take orders from Indra again. It would make the transition more smoother.

"Nia-" Indra went to speak against it. Nia had excelled in the position and for her to give it up was something she thought she wouldn't do.

"No, this is how it needs to be." Nia stopped her from rejecting the gesture. "I'll be back soon, make sure they all stay here."

Without another word, Now turned and left. She went to her horse and petted him lovingly. Once she mounted she took her time making her way through the forest. Taking in all her surroundings carefully as she wasn't sure how long their world would last.

She pulled back on the reigns once she was outside her destination. She dismounted and stared at the entrance uneasily.

Taking in a deep breath, she made her way inside. The inside seemed cold and lonely as it seemed so long since she had been there. Her once home no longer felt comforting. Now it seemed to harbor the ghosts that haunted her. The memories too painful as she walked inside.

Her first stop was Lincoln's corner. His belongings scattered around as she stepped closer. She picked up a book that lingered by taking a seat on his bed before opening it up.

Drawing had always been his vice and she loved seeing his final work after he spent so much time on them. His only two journal were currently in the possession of others, while the one in her hand only held drawings of the world around them before Skaikru.

Her heart hurt the more time she sat there and thought of him. None of her family deserved the end that they had and she wished for nothing more than for them to be beside her. But maybe their deaths were timely because now their deaths would be met in a firey blaze. They died without suffering.

Setting the book aside, she made her way to her part of the cave. She moved aside her belongs until she came across what she had been searching for. Throwing the items in a bag and threw it over her shoulder as she was quick to make her way out. She couldn't bear to stay in there any longer.

Skaikru ☣ Bellamy Blake [2]Where stories live. Discover now