A Signal

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They had moved Indra into the tent and were still waiting for Kane to make an appearance

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They had moved Indra into the tent and were still waiting for Kane to make an appearance. The more time that passed the more anxious Lexa was getting. She needed to know what was going on with Nia and the others inside the camp.

"The bleeding stopped. We need to get you something for the pain." Clarke was still checking over Indra while they waited. The sound of the tent flaps opening brought their attention thinking it was Kane entering. "Octavia?" Clarke was shocked to see the brunette enter. "Where's Kane?"

"He sent me." Octavia informed still in shock about what she had witness outside. But her attention was brought to the injured person inside the tent. Relief flooded inside her once she realized who the person was. "Indra. Thank God."  

"How did this happen?" Lexa needed a more detail description about the event.

"Kane lost the election to Pike. Everything's different." Octavia explained.

"Your people voted for this." Lexa was outraged at the information they were just give.

"No. No, I don't believe that." Clarke denied wanting to still find a better outcome.

"How would you know, Clarke? You haven't been here." Octavia commented back. The girl had been angered like her brother, at the fact that Clarke would just leave them in the time they needed her the most.

"Listen to me. The Grounder army is gonna be here in less than a day. I need to see Bellamy and Nia." Clarke stated her plan. She felt like if anyone could help them stop this war it would be them too.

"Bellamy was a part of this. He's with Pike. Pike is having Nia and the others followed. One false move and they could get detained. What makes you think they'll be able to help us?" Octavia provided more information.

This information go Lexa's attention. She wanted to ask about Nia but felt that if Octavia hadn't mentioned her then maybe she was safe. But now she knew that she was being held a prisoner in a sense. She needed to get her and the others out of there.

"He saved Indra's life." Clarke tried to argue. She needed to stop this war that was pending. "If what Octavia is saying is true then, then Pike trust him. If I can get to him, he can get to Pike. And he wouldn't do anything to hurt Nia."

Clarke was trying everything she could to try and convince Lexa to allow her to go. To find a way to fix everything that had happened.

"You can't just walk though the gates, Clarke. You've been living with their enemy. If it were me, I'd kill you in the spot." Lexa disagreed. The words she spoke made a bad feeling inside her. The more time Nia and them spent inside Arkadia the more of a risk they were taking. In fact, she had been surprised that Pike had done something drastic already, but a part of her told her that Nia had something to do with it. She was keeping them safe but for how long?

"I can get her in." Octavia spoke up remembering the route she had taken to get out and how it would be the perfect on to get back in. And if need be, it could work as escape.

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