dont fall off

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Published 7/12/18

Tsu'tey Pov (ba bam!! Bet you didn't see that coming)

I watched as she told stories and legends to my people. She was different than the other dream walkers I have met and seen. She was more like us, but I didn't trust her or that other one. I focused on her, I must have been watching her for too long because she looks up and looks around the room until her eyes meet mine. Her eyes widen and then she quickly looks away. As time went by parents began to take their kids to sleep. I walked up the dream walker I was supposed to train with a glare on my face. I may be curious about her but I will not show any mercy to her until she proves she can be one with our people. "Come follow me" I demanded her. She nodded saying goodnight to the young ones. We headed up the winding roots of home tree to our sleeping areas. I quickly climbed into mine letting the dream walker figure it out on how to get in.

Sol's pov

After I said goodnight to the children I followed Tsu'tey to where I guess we would be sleeping. I watched as Tsu'tey climbed into his cocoon-like bed. I soon climbed into mine figuring it out how to close it. I layed down on my side so I'm facing Tsu'teys back. The cocoon was actually quite comfy. I closed my eyes getting ready to wake up in my human body. "Goodnight Tsu'tey," I said in English. Before allowing my avatars body to rest.

I gasped as I opened my eyes. I was blinded by the light in my eyes and the sound of Grace's voice in my ears. My eyes soon adjusted and I saw Jake, Norm and Grace's face all above me. I glared at them and sat up. "Is the Avatar safe" Grace demanded. "It's safe now I'm going to bed," I said getting up and leaving. I felt like it was all a dream, but it was not. It was real, and I was about to work my hardest to be apart of the Omaticaya. Not because of what that crazy little guy wants, some stupid rock. I want to be apart of the people because I want to belong again. I don't belong in some military base, I belong with a tribe, living off the mother planet. I reach my room and go and lay down not even bothering to change as I close my eyes hoping that I would wake up in my avatar body.

I wake up with Jake shaking me. "Come on time to get something to eat," he said and the rolled out the door. I sat up and stretched hearing my bones give a satisfying crack. I got up and changed into a dark green t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans and lastly my combat boots. I put my long hair into a high ponytail and walk out heading to the cafeteria not really all that hungry. As I enter I hear Grace explaining what happened to Jake and my self I walk over and stood behind one of the guys leaning over him I grabbed his apple and took a bite. I sat next to Jake as everyone talked with each other I was too lost in my own mind to speak.

After eating my apple Jake and my self were called in. As I walked in I saw Colonel Miles Quaritch the man that gave us the speech when I first arrived here on Pandora. Jake and him begin to talk. Jake began to tell him all that has happened. I glared at Jake. I didn't trust the Colonel at all, he had a bad vibe coming from him. I excused myself self not waiting for anyone to stop me.

I walked down to the lab wanting to get back in my avatar body. As I walked in Grace started to question me on some of the Omaticaya most important people I answered and told her each one and who they were in the tribe. But when Tsu'teys face showed up I for some reason froze and stared at the picture. He looked grumpy just like always. I snapped out of it and answered. I hopped into the bed and layed down. I closed the lid and soon closed my eyes. I fluttered my eyes and looked around I was back in my cocoon bed. I opened it and there in front of me with a scowl on his face was
Tsu'tey. I pulled myself out of my cocoon and fixed my clothes.  Tsu'tey lead me down the tree and into an open area full of Direhorses. I withheld a smile. Tsu'tey lead me to one as it ate. I walked in front of it and as I did the Direhorse studied me for a moment and then started to rub its head on me. I giggled only animals could bring this side of me out. The Direhorse lifted its head and gave me a big lick on the face I gave a disgusted look. I starred at the Direhorse in shock. (Why must everything on Pandora lick me!?) I heard a deep manly laugh come from next to me, I looked over and saw Tsu'tey laughing at my face. I looked at him in shock and then laughed too. After our small laugh, Tsu'tey became serious again. He was very brief on how to ride a Direhorse. I'm pretty sure he just wanted me to fall off. I hopped on to the Direhorse with ease. I brought my braid to its own and made the Tsahelu (thank you NakaharaSunako22 for helping me spell in right) I gasped as I felt my mind become one with the Direhorse. I close my eyes and lay my hand on the animal feeling it's breath and heart, It's strong legs. I open my eyes and look at tsu'tey he looks stoic but his eyes held something else. "Now ride, say a command and one last thing," Tsu'tey said the paused. "Don't fall off or your training will double" he said with a smirk confident that I would fall off and have to train more. I smirked guess I'll have to show him wrong.

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