IM Atheltic

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So, it's kind of stupid, really, but Louis' trying to build up this Anna person to the best of his ability. He wants to use what little amount of information Harry knows to his advantage in order to avoid suspicion. He listened in English class, thank you very much, and he knows how to develop a character. Well, sort of. Improvisation is always fun.

Good God, he's screwed.

It's also been an entire week of constant IMing, and anyone has yet to figure out that something is not quite right with Anna. Louis feels kind of smug, so just to top it off he searches long and hard through the profile he had stolen photos from and finds one of the girl dressed in a uniform for work. It's not quite a waitress look, but it's close enough, so Louis sends it to Harry attached with a winky face.

He's in too deep.

He's just about halfway through a chapter of a book Harry raves about - something full of cheesy romance and mysterious murders, no doubt - when his phone buzzes and, yep, it's that time again. He casually (with a very masculine squeal) throws the book across the room, snatching up the small device in his hands and reading Harry's newest message. He also has a few from some guy named Darrel, but he decides to ignore those.

Harvey: u'll never guess what i did 2day!!

Anna: what did you do? did you go skydiving?

Harvey: nooo

Anna: canoeing? 

Harvey: nope!

Anna: did you meet the queen? 

Harvey: not today i didn't!

Anna: alright, i'm beat. tell me!

Harvey: i got a new kitten!

Anna: srsly????

Harvey: no

Anna: ...what

Harvey: lol, i got u sooo good! u were all like "omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anna: actually all i said was seriously u shit

Anna: u that desperate for attention?

Harvey: im serious tho, i did something 2day. i got a new tattoo!

Anna: u have tattoos?

Harvey: oh yeah, tons.

Anna: u just dont seem like the type...

Harvey: what's that supposed to mean?D:

Anna: well.. u work at a record store.. u play golf.. i can imagine u sipping margaritas by the pool, not getting tattoos.

Harvey: I'm not a prude. 

Anna: are u a virgin? 

Harvey: no!

Anna: how many girls have u had sex with then??

Harvey: i dont need to tell you that! D:

Anna: why, do you sleep around or summat

Harvey: NO. 3, okay?

Anna: only 3?? jfc

Harvey: :(

Anna: im kidding, im kidding. sorry H.

Anna: im sorrrrrrrrry

Anna: forgive me pls pls pls?

Harvey: im not upset you witch

Harvey: only mildly irritated

Harvey: anyway, i got a new one. 

Anna: what is it of?

Harvey: a ying yang!

Anna:  a ying yang?

Anna: you mean a yin yang?

Harvey: whatever.  b/c there's good in bad and bad in good 

Anna: deep

Harvey: balls deep

Anna: i have some tattoos too, u kno

Harvey: really? where? cant see any of them in ur pics

Anna: u know, i havent seen a pic of u.

Harvey: oh, yeah, ik. but dont try to change the topic!!

Anna: fine.. they're sort of hidden?

Anna: like, yeah. they're small.

Anna: but srsly, why can't i see a pic?? at least something, your hand or summat 

Harvey: summat?

Anna: yeah.. what about it

Harvey: nothin, my best mate says that all the time tho. u just made me think of him when u said that.

Anna: rlly? funny.. 

Harvey: small world. maybe you're from the same area. but you live in london now?

Anna: yeah, like big cities a lot more than small ones. all the people and business, it's cool. it's nice. 

Harvey: i get tired of all the people sometimes. 

Harvey: it's hard being exposed to so much of it all the time, you kno?

Harvey: like i never get a break from it, it's not like i can just take a holiday from it.. it follows me...

Anna: yeah.

Anna: i can imagine. it's not the life for everyone.

Harvey: wouldn't change a thing though.

Anna: me either.

Anna: anyway.. guess what I did today.

Harvey: spent all day thinking about me??

Anna: omg, no. ew.

Anna: I had a tennis match! well, against my mum. 

Anna: i won.

Harvey: good job! 

Anna: yeah, we played a set. it was funnn.

Harvey: im sure it was. 

Anna: im more into football than tennis tbh though...

Harvey: well u should tell me about it then!

Louis bites his lip. His extensive knowledge of football may or may not be normal for a common young woman to have obtained, so he decides to swerve away from the conversational topic, much to his dismay.

Anna: idk... i mean i like to play and watch but i'm no expert

Harvey: i have a mate who loooves football. reckon you'd be better for him than me

Anna: ha... well, he's not here, is he? i made this to talk to people and i found u.

Harvey: well im glad u did make it!

Anna: me too. 


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