Before Part 2

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Saving the Stones
Alysha sat perched high in the shadows of one of the few windows in the Russian prison. She held a gun in her hand and watched a solid steel door closely. It was the only one with no windows. For a good reason too. She whistled loudly and shot the door. The sound echoed loudly throughout the prison.
She pulled out a remote and pressed the small red button. The door blew off it's hinges and fell with a bang. Guards appeared and ran towards the open door. Alysha laughed silently sand took them out. Slowly three males emerged from the room and looked around cautiously. A father and his two sons, Alex and Liam Stone. They were 22 and 23. Liam being the eldest.
Alysha pressed the green button on the remote and a wire ladder fell from the ceiling. One end hooked perfectly onto the railing and the other fell down many stories to the floor. "What's going on?" Alex asks and looks around, trying to spot their helper.
Suddenly a wave of guards came running. "Quick. No more questions, climb down the ladder." The father yells. The boys do as their told. As the guards gets closer Alysha presses the blue button and all the cell doors on that floor open. The guards freeze on the spot as the inmates walk from their cells. Quickly the father climbs after his sons.
Alysha smiles slightly before grabbing a rope and jumping, as she fell she shot all the guards who appeared. She stopped at the same level to the sons. The ladder had stopped so they climbed onto the level. There was a singe door. On it was written in bright red paint was 'Mrs Stone. Wife and Mother of two'. The father gets onto the level and hurries to the door.
"Don't take another step." A man growls.
Alyshas body went cold at the voice. She looks towards the voice to see a man with a gun pointed at the father. "Don't bother shooting me helper. Bullet proof pads." He adds and Alysha lets out a laugh.
"If I did try shoot you then it would go straight through your forehead. I knew you wold be here so I have a special plan for you." She pushes of the wall and flies through the air, landing on the floor below.
Alysha made sure her hood was secure before she walked to the stairs and climbed up silently till she stood behind the man, her head down. "A woman? What you gonna do? Give me a spanking?" The man taunts as he turns to face her.
"You wish." Alysha sneered as she ran towards him. He shot at her but she dodged, jumping up the wall and flipping over him. She landed and sliced through the back of his neck with a knife. He fell limp to the ground. She raised her hand and pressed the yellow button and the door to the single cell opens.
"What is going on? How did we escape?" A woman asks and Alysha turns slowly, keeping her head down.
She saw a beautiful woman hug the father and two sons closely. The three males turn and face me. The woman looks at me and smiles. "Thank you." She says and she bows low.
They think it's just a bow but her hand slips to her boot. She stands and flings razor blades towards them. They fly past the four and each hit an individual guard. Alysha spins and grabs the dead mans gun. "This way." she calls and the four race over and Alysha leads the way.
She takes down each and every guard that comes their way. As she passes a small ed button she presses it and every cell door swings open, the inmates walking from their cells as floods of guards appear. "How are you doing this?" Liam asks.
Alysha doesn't answer. She just spins and throws a knife which takes down a guard just behind them. "Practice." She grumbles before shooting at a window. It shatters to reveal a helicopter.
"Quick. Get on. They'll take you to safety." Alysha urges as she stops.
"What about you?" The woman asks.
"I walked in here as a Russian general so that's how I'm gonna walk out." Alysha replies quietly.
"Thank you." The woman smiles kindly.
"Quickly darling." The father calls from the helicopter. Suddenly the whole prison begins to shake and the woman slips and falls.
Alysha grabs her hand and holds on so she doesn't fall to her death. "Mum!" Alex and Liam yell.
"Stay in the helicopter." Alysha snaps.
Bullets fly and she gasps as they hit her but she refuses to let go. Bullet after bullet pierces her body all over. "Go." Alysha screams and the helicopter flies away with the to screaming sons.
"Let go my dear. Save yourself." The woman says calmly.
"No. My mission was to save all of you." Alysha winces as yet another bullet hits her.
The woman lets go of Alyshas hand and she begins to slip. Alysha flings back her hood and looks the woman in the eye. "I can't have you die." She says desperately.
"It's alright. Now go." The woman smiles sadly and slips completely from Alyshas grip. She screams as she looks down at the womans dead body.
The shooting had stopped and all was silent and Alysha looked down at the woman. Blood was seeping from her wounds. "Nowhere to run now." A voice says and someone grabs her arm.
Alysha turns and twist throwing the person over the railing before running towards the window. She jumps just as a helicopter flies by and grabs on. She pulls herself in and begins to cry as a woman begins to dress her wounds.
"You saved three of the Stones Alysha. That's better that anyone else could have done on their own. She was the one to let go." Charlie says from the front of the helicopter.
"But I still let her die." Alysha snaps.
"At a cost. Look at you. You were so full of adrenaline, emotions, hormones, you never noticed just how many bullets you took. I can count 15." The woman dressing her wounds says and Alysha suddenly feels all the pain at once and blacks out.

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