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Two days later
Alysha Hill
"God this is gonna hurt." I whimper.
"I thought you said you didn't feel pain." Liam says as he looks down at me. I lay on the couch with my back facing the ceiling. I only wore shorts and my bra.
"Do you not see how far this bullet is being pulled out? There are many sensitive things in my body that I will feel if the bullet touches them." My voice shaking as I lift the remote.
"Wait." Liam says and I stop and turn my head to look at him.
"What?" I hiss.
He sits by my head. "Put your head on my lap." I'm shocked at the words but cautiously do so.
Liam gently runs his fingers through my hair and my body relaxes. Before I know it Liam presses the button and the bullet is wrenched out of my body by the powerful magnet. I scream into Liams lap and begin sobbing. He strokes my hair and puts the padding on my back. "Shhhh. It's all over. They're all out." He sooths and I sniff.
"You bastard."
"I know. I know. Sit up so I can wrap it for you." Liams voice calm and kind.
With a whimper I sit up.Liam grabs the bandage and sits beside me. With gentle hands he wraps the bandage around me. I wipe my eyes as he does so. Tucking I the end he gently puts his arms around my shaking body and I cling to his shirt. "That really hurt." I whisper.
"I bet it did. But think about it. It would have hurt more if you'd done it. You were expecting it and your body was all stiff and tense. Now come on. Lets get you into bed so you can relax." Liam lifts me bridal style and carries me to the bed.
Laying me down gently he pulls the covers over me and strokes my for head with his thumb a couple times before walking to stand under where the bullet was stuck to the wires on the ceiling. I watch as he flicks off the magnet and catches the bullet. He puts it in a plastic bag and places it in a drawer which he locks securely.
He sits on the couch and turns on the TV, looking at movies. "Liam?" I ask quietly.
He looks back at me. "Yeah?"
"Can I join you?" I ask and he walks over.
"Of course. Can you walk there or do you want me to carry you?" He asks as he pulls back the covers.
"Carry me please." My face heats up but Liam doesn't say anything about it.
He picks me up bridal style again and places me on the couch before walking back and grabbing the fluffy blanket on the end if the bed. He also grabs me one of my shirts. "In case someone walks in." He hands it to me and I slowly and awkwardly put it on.
There was no pain. Only a strange, unpleasant feeling that made me groan. Liam sits back down and folds out the couch. I press close to him, my arm draped weakly over his mid section, my head resting tiredly on his chest. Carefully he puts the blanket over us and wraps his arms around me. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asks as he looks down at me.
"The Fast and The Furious." I reply almost instantly. Liam puts it on and I wiggle slightly to get more comfortable before watching the movie.
Half an hoir into the movie I begin to feel tired and close my eyes, allowing myself to fall asleep.

Liam Stone
Part way through The Fast and The Furious I realize Alysha has fallen asleep. Smiling I stroke her hair and relax as I continue watching.
The door bursts open and I fight all urges to jump. "Shhhh. She's asleep." I snap quietly as I turn my head to see everyone standing there panting. Their eyes widen as they look between me and Alysha. This mustn't look very good to them.
"What the?" Maddisons eyes nearly pop out of her head.
Alysha groans unhappily as her eyes open. "Can't I get some sleep around here." She grumbles. I stop the movie and Alysha looks at the others.
"What do you want? I was having a very nice, comfortable sleep until you woke me." She spat unhappily.
"Ah okay. Well we were coming back from town when we started to be followed my this black car. Then we were surrounded suddenly. We ditched the cars and ran here. We came to warn you." Brett says as he looks at us.
"Oh right. I guess my tail doesn't need sleep. How great is that?" Alysha curses under her breath and I rub her arm.
"You can go back to sleep. I'll go see about this tail of yours." I say softly but Alyshas grip around me tightens, nobody else could see but I definitely felt it.
"My tail won't attack us here. They know I know them too well. I killed the last ones sent to kill us. As I did the hundreds of others. They really don't want to lose too many more of their men or women." Alysha says sharply yet I know the hidden meaning. She wants me to stay so she can cuddle me and fall asleep. It's actually really cute.
"Are you sure you just don't want Liam to leave?" Shannon asks and Alysha closes her eyes with a sigh.
"Why would I care if Liam left or not?" She asks dryly.
"Alright. Come on. We'll keep an eye out. Just in case." Delance says and everyone leaves closing the door behind them.
"Go back to sleep." I say as I stroke Alyshas hair.
"Alright. You can start the movie again." She yawns and I press play.
Alysha nuzzles into me more before she slowly goes still and her breathing slows as she falls asleep once again.
She looks so peaceful and angelic when she sleeps I realized as I look down at her, ignoring the movie. "I wish they hadn't interrupted." I mutter to myself.
"Me too Liam. Me too." Alysha whispers almost too quiet to hear and my face head up again.
God this girl tests my patience. One day I'm gonna snap and pounce on her. All I can do is hope that when it does happen she'll allow it.

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