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Liam Stone
I was downstairs eating with the others. Alysha was up I my room with food I'd managed to smuggle up to her. "Liam the TV in your room is on." Maddison says with a furrowed brow and I almost choke.
"I must have left it on. It's fine." I reply as calmly as I could.
"There's someone up there." Maddison says quickly and I jab my knife down so hard that it shatters the plate. Yet everyone thinks it's because I'm shocked and fearful that someone is in my room. But really it's because I know that they'll go up there. They'll find Alysha and there's no way for me to stop them.
Quickly everyone stands and walks swiftly up the stairs. I pull out my phone and message Alysha quickly. Warning her that they're coming.
We get to the door and I hold my breath as Crystal kicks open the door. Everyone enters guns ready but they quickly stop. When I enter and look at the TV my heart races. On the screen was a video of a Russian prison. A prison I know all to well.
Alex gasps and his knees give out. I hurry to his side and we all continue to watch the screen. A window shatters and a helicopter flies to it. 3 people get in. "Impossible." Alex whispers. My eyes were glued to the screen. This was a video of our breakout.
The helicopter flies away and the footage flicks to a body falling many stories inside the prison before landing dead. "Nooooooo!" A female screams and it feels as if my world froze for a second.
The dead body is Alex and my mother. The female screaming must be the rescuer. It then blurs as the filmer of this takes out a man before running at the window. They jump and a helicopter appears just in time for them to grab on.
The video stops to show a black screen with white words slowly scrolling down.

Mrs Stone was having lethal amounts of Nitrogen being pumped into her body daily. She was dying painfully. The Stones rescuer tried to save Mrs Stone and took bullets after bullet as she tried to hold on. Mrs Stone was the one to let go. The rescuer tried her best to hold on but Mrs Stone slipped and fell to her death. A death that was I fact saving her. She would have died in excruciating pain in the arms of her family. She knew this and that is the reason she let go. The rescuer didn't know about the Nitrogen and all she wanted to do was complete her mission and save her life. This rescuer shall remain nameless for their own protection.

Property of the IMF

The TV turns off and everyone except me looks around. Neither of them did it. Alysha did. She wanted us to see it.
"Whoever was in here is still here." Kyle says and everyone spreads out. Alex stands and begins looking around. I too stand and glance around the room. My gaze imediantly went to the bathroom and my breath hitched as Dylan swung it open, gun ready. He entered and I soon followed with Ashley, Shannon and Steve yet there was nobody to be seen.
"They're not here. That's not possible." Ashley says in shock.
As they all leave and I turn to go I spot a small trickle of blood coming from under the bath.
"They aren't here. I'll be fine." I say reassuringly and everyone reluctantly leaves except for Alex.
"Our rescuer is still alive Liam. Maybe. They were IMF. Now tell me. Were you really watch in TV?" He asks and I look him directly in the eye.
"Yes I was. But it was the news. Whoever was in here was watching that and they set it up. They wanted us to watch it." I say seriously and my brother nods before leaving. I quickly shut and lock the door behind him before rushing to the bathroom.
"Alysha?" I ask quickly.
From the small gap between the wall and the end of the bath came a leg and I rushed over. Carefully I helped Alysha out. There was blood on her face and it stained her hair as well as covering her hand. "What happened?" I ask as I sit her down and grab a cloth and bandage.
"I ran in here to hide. I saw the knife and cloth so I grabbed them knowing you wouldn't want the others to know what you've been doing. I hid down there and cut my hand accidentally. It was a very tight and uncomfortable fit." She mutters.
I clean up her hand and wrap it up firmly before wiping away tge blood on her face and getting it out of her hair. "Where did you get that video?" I ask quietly as I start wiping up the blood from the floor.
"The IMF." She replies bluntly.
"I know that but how?" I sigh in frustration as I sit back and look at her directly. She stays silent for a second and I blink in shock.
"You work for the IMF."
"I am. They hired me to spy on the goverment agency. There's moles in there for the Diablos. Talon was one of them. I help with jobs and all sorts. Been with the IMF since I was 21 and you are the first outsider to know. That man who was killed was my boss. Head of the IMF. He made the video." Alysha says and looks at her hand.
"Who was she? Who was our rescuer? I need to know." I beg.
"I can't tell you. She doesn't want anyone to know because she blames herself. She dropped your mother." She replies as she stands and walks out. She pulls off her shirt and pants before pulling a large shirt on over top.
"It isn't her fault. I want to thank her. I want to tell her that she shouldn't blame herself. Mother wanted to die then so she didn't die with me and my family. Mother didn't want us to suffer with watching her die." I say and Alysha stops walking.
"Believe me. I tell her all the time." She says quietly before climbing into my bed and hopping under the covers.
I turn of the lights and pull my shirt off before walking to the couch and laying down. I close my eyes and hear Alysha sigh seconds later. "Liam come here."
I sit up and look at her with a frown. "You can sleep in your bed with me. Just please don't tell anyone." She mutters and cautiously I walk over. She shuffles to the side and I climb in and roll onto my side to look at her.
"Ah... This may seem like a weird question but can I like... ah... cuddle you. It helps me sleep when I hold something. A kind of comfort I guess." Alysha says and even though I can't fully make her out I know she'll be bright red.
"I reach out and pull her over, having my arm draped over her waist. Alysha lay unmoving for a second before pressing closer and burying her face into my chest. My skin burned. And I felt my face heat up. I didn't know why because I've been I this position with many, many girls. It has to be because it's Alysha. Something about her is so different. It's intriguing.

Blood And Shattered Vases; BOS 5Where stories live. Discover now