Ghosts Have No Feelings

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Alysha Hill
"Liam bugger of. I've made up my mind." I yell as there's a knock on my door.
"It's not Liam Alysha." I froze and curse under my breath when I hear Maddisons voice.
"Oh. Sorry. Come in." I call and lay back on my bed with my eyes closed.
The door opens and I hear 13 sets if footsteps and I let out a growl as I sit up.
"You bastard." I snarl at Liam and he held his hands up in surrender.
"I swear. I didn't say anything. This is about something completly different." He says quickly and everyone looks between us oddly and I give him a warning glare before looking at Maddison directly in the eye.
She steps back and lowers her gaze. I've been told that my looks can kill when I'm serious. "What do you all want? I don't do well with crap weather. I like being outside." I grumble and my gaze never leaves Maddison.
"We were wondering if you knew who Svetlana Petrov is. She's the new head of my hit man agency and she is very good. One of the best I've ever had." Maddison says and I frown slightly.
"Why?" I ask curiously.
"We've been doing background checks on everyone in Maddisons agency that's to be at the wedding. But when we looked her up there was nothing. She's a ghost like you." Antonio replies and I sigh with a nod.
"You think that because she's a ghost I'd know who she is because I'm a ghost? Well your wrong. I've never heard of her. If she's a true ghost then she'll be known as something she did not her name. Take me for example. My tail isn't after Alysha Hill. They're after the Fake Russian General. They don't know what my name is. Only what I look and sound like. This Svetlana is no ghost if she told you her name. Ghosts don't have names." I hiss as my mind travels back to when I first got my tail and first became a ghost. Tears ran down my cheeks yet I just hung my head.
"Ghosts don't have friends. They don't have feelings. They're a machine made to kill and destruct." I continue quietly.
"But you do have friends Alysha." Maddison says sadly.
"Your not my friend Maddison." I say and I hear everyone breath in sharply and Maddison sniffs.
Slowly I lift my head and hold out my hand. "Your family." I whisper and Maddisons eyes widen at the sight of my hand.
On it was a list of names carved into it under the word Family.
"Alysha. I... You." Maddison tries to search for words but I shake my head.
"Please don't Maddison. It'll only make it harder to leave after the wedding tomorrow." I say and lower my head again.
"You're what?" Maddison gasps.
"After the wedding I'm leaving. I'm going to leave the US all together and go somewhere. Somewhere far away and bring my tail with me. But don't worry I'm still going to be on top watch to keep you all safe but from a distance." I say sadly.
"This room is already booked for a couple the day after tomorrow." Liam adds in a sheepish tone.
"You knew?" Antonio growled.
"I'm sorry but when your being threatened by a deadly agent in a locked, sound proof wine cellar you tend to stick to the promises and deals you make." Liam snapped and I stand.
Liam clenches his jaw and I look him over slowly. He's clearly on edge, close to snapping. "Take deep breaths and sit down." I say softly and everyone reels back in shock at my soft tone.
Liam watches me with narrowed eyes. With a roll of mine I walk him over and gently make him sit in the chair. "I'm fine." He says and makes a weak attempt at brushing me away but I swat his hand.
"No you aren't. Now let me do my job." I hiss and sit on the arm rest next to him.
I cup his neck and he relaxes visibly. "When was the last time you played?" I ask him, ignoring the others for the time being.
"2 weeks ago. I got a call from a blocked number. They spoke in Russian but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Something about a night assassin." Liam replies drowsy and I pull my hand back and stand up.
"So I thought. The Russians are trying to use you to get me. They can't do that if I leave the US. These people will kill your loved ones for information. They already killed... never mind. I wish I could stay but I need to leave while I still have time." I look at Maddison with a sad smile and she hugs me tightly, tears in her eyes.
"I understand. At least you'll be here for the wedding. That's all I need." She whispers in my ear and I hug her back.
"Thank you. Could you make sure Liam gets to his rooms okay please. He's a little unstable at the moment." I say and Maddison nods.
"Sorry about bothering you about Svetlana. She's fine. Just a woman with well kept secrets. Just how I like them." She says. As they all help Liam and leave the room Alex lingers for a second.
"When you leave can you keep an eye on Liam for a while please. He's always... Unstable around this time of year." He says and I nod with an emotionless expression.
"It's because it's the 9 year anniversary for stabbing you after your mother's death. I always look out for him at this time. Saved him a couple times too. Without him knowing of course." I add and Alex looks at me in horror.
He's about to say something but shakes his head. "Thank you Alysha." He leaves and shuts the door, leaving me standing alone in my room. My bags packed and ready to leave tomorrow night.
Slowly I walk to the window and look out at the heavy rain. Droplets raced down the glass. Outside looked sad and grey. Exactly how I felt inside.
There's an odd feeling in my gut that there is something iffy going on. Something that I won't be prepared for. I just wish I knew what the hell it was.

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