A 'Hour' Long Weakness

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Alysha Hill
"Your room is amazing." I gasp as I look around.
"I'm glad you approve." Liam replies as he sits on his couch.
I walk over to the window seat and look outside. It had the perfect view of the ocean. Even with the rain it still looked beautiful. As I look around at every window I realize there is no way for someone to shoot through the window unless they're on a boat or at the beach. It's perfect.
"Don't tell anyone but these windows are bullet proof." Liam whispers from beside me and I jump in shock.
Liam laughs softly as he walks to his bed and sits down. "The view is beautiful." I say with a smile.
"It's why I chose it. Do you want the others to know?" He asks and I shake my head.
"Let them find out on their own. They'll see me tomorrow." Smiling sadly I sit in the window seat and look out the window.
Down on the beach I spot a group gathering. They looked like black blobs due to the distance and the rain. I scramble to my weapons bag and quickly but carefully rummage around. Grabbing my long distance, high definition binoculars I hurry back to the window and look down. "What is it?" Liam walks over and looks out the window.
Before I can warn him a bullet flies and smacks into the window, bouncing off, only leaving a slight mark. We both jump back in shock and I trip. Liam grabs my waist and stands me up right. I walk back to the window and look out again. This time Liam right beside me.
They were frustrated and I laughed. "Haha. Suckers. Bet you didn't think about the glass being bullet proof did you?"
But I go pale and leap back to my bag and pull out a gun. "What is it?" Liam asks quickly.
I stumble back to the window and open it enough to hold a gun out of it. There's a dull bang and I pull the trigger as an RPG comes flying towards us. As soon as I pull the trigger I shut the window and tackle Liam to the ground. An explosion lights up the room and shakes the hotel slightly. "What the fuck was that?" Liam yells as I climb off and open the window again. Quickly I fire continuous shots before closing and locking the window properly.
"They had an RPG. I guess they were prepared for bullet proof glass. Now I have to hide because the others will be heading this way and they can't see me till tomorrow." I grab my bags and everything before rushing into Liams bathroom and shutting the door.
There's a knock on the room door and I listen as Liam goes to open it. "Liam are you okay?" Alex asks and I smile slightly as I walk around.
"I'm fine. It was an RPG. Someone shot it before it could hit my room." Liam replies and I hold back a laugh.
I stop when I see a drop of blood on the edge of the basin. Slowly I walk over to see more blood and a steak knife in the basin.
"Liam you stupid idiot." I mutter to myself as I grab a cloth and silently wet it so I could clean up the blood. When I picked up the knife I saw the blade was covered in the blood, not just the sharp edge.
He wasn't cutting. He was stabbing.
Behind me I hear Liam saying goodbye and I quickly put the knife and cloth down before hurrying back to the door.
It opens and I scowl at Liam. "You stupid, stupid idiot." I hiss as I step closer to him and grab his wrist making him gasp in pain.
Quickly I let go. "I thought you were like everyone else. I thought you cut yourself to cause pain while in the state of depression. But no. You do something worse don't you?" I narrow my eyes and Liams widen.
"What? I-I don't know what your talking about." He shakes his head slightly and I take Liams hand gently and pull up the sleeve to reveal a bandage.
"This. This is what I'm talking about." I look Liam in the eye and he looks away.
I reach up and turn his head to look at me. "My life long assignment was to save you Liam. You and your family. But I see you're the one who needs the saving and I promise you Liam. I won't stop until you're saved." I say softly and smile up at him.
"How'd you know?" He asks weakly.
"I saw the blood and steak knife in the basin. Next time I suggest you clean it up." I pat his cheek and let go of his hand.
"Well I wasn't expecting to have a room mate. I completely forgot about it after you shot an RPG that was coming towards us." He replies behind me and I stop.
"Well it wouldn't matter anyway. Even if you had cleaned it up. I still would have found out. You can't hide anything from me. Nobody can. Well if it was emotional I wouldn't have a clue. Emotions aren't really my thing. I don't feel them. I don't understand them." I say bluntly.
Liam put a hand on my shoulder and I turn to face him. "What about love?" He asks and I laugh sarcastically.
"Love? I don't know what that us. As you may have figured out already I'm not a well liked person. I never was. Males would look at me in disgust. Females would turn away. My father left me to live with my hore of a mother and an abusive older brother. Then my mother got married 3 times. Each being abusive people. Then the next marriage finally went well. She married Geremy. He had two boys, Casper and Paul who were a foul years older. They were kind to me. Like I was blood. He also had two girls, Sophia and Linz. They weren't step sisters to me. They were like my little sisters. I cared for them with all my heart. Then I was forced to fake my own death when I was 17. Geremy, Casper, Paul, Sophia and Linz were the only people who showed up. They were the only people who ever cared for me but after faking my own death and all the operations and surgeries I no longer cared for them back. I felt nothing towards them. Not until I got a bullet to the head when I was 21. I hunted them down only to find that the only one left was Linz. Little Linz. She was only 12 but she was in a coma. I broke after that. I used all the bullets in my body as ways to hurt myself. To torture myself. I swore to myself that I will never love again because it only gets them killed. Maddison is the closest person to family I have yet I don't love her because they'll know and they'll kill her to hurt me. It's the only way they can hurt me. They know this because I don't feel pain unless I cause it or unless there is something wrong with my mental state. So please. If you ever mention love to me again I'll kill you but only after I make you watch me torture Alex until he's begging for death. Yet I won't give him that satisfaction because after he sees me kill you he'll kill himself." I yell as my body shook. It felt like I was talking for hours and I know from the look on Liams face that he too felt like it had been hours.
My body couldn't stop shaking no matter how hard I tried. I'd just told Liam my weakness. The reason I am who I am. Nobody knows any of this and I never let anyone find out. If anyone had asked me about love or feelings I'd turned on them and caused them serious harm.
Yet with Liam I opened right up. I spilled open like a bag of water.
When I look at him I see why I did it.
He has the same eyes, the same hair, the same features as his mother.

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