The Ice Ice Has Been Broken

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Maddison stood abruptly and stormed over to Alysha. "You do not tell someone you're leaving on their wedding day then turn up the day after. Do you know how hard it is for me right now?" She yells and Alysha shrinks back shaking.
Liam quickly jumps to his feet and stands between Alysha and Maddison. "She's been through enough enough shit already. She doesn't need to dragged through a hell hole by the only family she has left." He yells back and everyone looks at him in shock.
"Don't worry about it Liam. I can easily remove the scar. I'm not here for her anyway. I'm here for you and your brother only. But mostly you. You've been bumped up due to our arrangement." Alysha says softly and puts a hand on Liams arm.
He stays standing, not letting his gaze leave Maddison for a second, wary that she may strike. "Bumped up how much?" He asks.
"You and your brother were 100 and something on their business list. Alex still is but now you're number 2 on the list. Me being number 1. The second I die they go after you." Alysha says and looks down.
"Well its a good thing you aren't gonna die isn't it." Liam says as he turns and looks directly at Alysha who's head shot up.
"I am going to die Liam. There's nothing you can do to stop them from killing me." She snaps and Liam leans down towards her.
"Watch me try." He whispers lowly.
Alysha looks up at him, staring into his eyes. "You know Liam if I wasn't a surgically modified, emotionless creature of destruction, if I wasn't standing on the edge of death, if I wasn't tasked to look after you I'd very much like to kiss you. But sadly all 3 are what I am so I won't." Alysha smirks and Liam scowls at her but in a friendly way.
"Well aren't I an unlucky man. I was so close to getting a kiss from a very powerful and important agent." He pock her nose with a smile before standing up straight and groaning.
"Alright Mr Flirty." Alysha grabs his hand and pulls him down to sit beside her. "I'll go get you some pain killers." She jumps up and walks swiftly towards the hall that lead up to Liams room.
"How are you not suffering? You were practically thrown into a tree." Liam calls after her.
Alysha looks back at him with a quirked eyebrow and his face flushes. "Oh right." He looks down in embarrassment.
"You made it a very comfortable landing." She says as she walks off. Everyone looks at Liam questioningly.
"What?" He holds his hands up in surrender.
"What did you do to her? Yesterday she was all I'm gonna kill you. Now she's saying she would kiss you." Steve says as if stating the obvious.
"Oh. Right." Liam looks desperately at the hallway that Alysha had disappeared down.
"Spill Liam." Dylan warns.
"Alright fine. I went out running when Alysha appeared out of nowhere. I jumped and she grabbed my arm to try stable me. We ended up rolling right down to the bottom of the garden and crashed into a tree. It really hurt. Alysha landed ontop of me. Neither of us could move for a while so we stayed there and talked. She was the one who shot that RPG before it could kill me. She also killed the people who sey it off. Said that if she left they'd kill me. I gave her a room and that's it. I swear." Liam says and glances back at the hall but Maddison and Antonio stepped in front of me, blocking my view and making me panic slightly.
"Will you please step away from Liam? Can't you see he's stressing?" Alyshas voice comes from behind Maddison and Antonio.
"What happened between you two?" Antonio asks as he turns to face her. Between him and Maddison I can see Alyshas expression go dark. She catches my eye and relaxes.
"You can't make me tell you unless you kill Alex or Liam. Or their father. There I have you a clue as well as a warning." She hissed and shoves her way over to me.
She hands me a glass of water and a couple pills. "Why bring me and dad into this?" Alex yells.
"You, your brother and your father were brought into this the second the girl was assigned with breaking you all out of the Russian prison. Almost 100 guards were killed in that break out." Alysha hissed as she watched Liam take the pills.
"That was where you were?" The guys yell and Liam and Alex who cringe.
"Don't blame us." Alex says quickly and shoots a glare at Alysha who shrugs it off.
"If anyone is to blame it's me. It was my fault we got caught and put there." Liam grumbles and Alysha swats him around the back of the head lightly.
"Hey." He whines.
"It was not your fault. I hear you say that again..." Alysha warns and Liam cuts her off before she finishes.
"Okay, okay. Not my fault." He says quickly. Alysha leans down to whisper in his ear.
"Just remember Liam. I know where you sleep." She murmurs and Liam went rigid.
"You naughty girl." He growls and Alysha sleeps wickedly.
"Well of course." She pulls out a small rectangular device and pulls it apart to reveal a holographic screen.
She holds it in one hand and moves it over her ribs. It beeps wildly and the holographic screen goes and flashes red. "When?" Liam asks.
"Two days." She replies and they get odd looks.
"Can I please have some breakfast now?" Liam changes the subject swiftly.
"Of course. What do you want Alysha?" Alex asks.
"No thanks. I'm good." Alysha waves her hand and sits with Liam on the window seat, curling her legs up and hugging her knees as she looks out the window.
Liam watches her and shakes his head. Alex returns with a large tray off food. He hands them out, Liams last. Alysha looks at Liams plate out of the corner of her eye and her mouth waters at the look and smell of bacon and eggs.
Liam laughs and skewers a piece of bacon with his fork. He holds it in front of Alyshas face and she looks away, not wanting to give in. "No Liam. Not hungry." She says firmly. Liam moves it around in front of her.
"Come on Alysha. You know you want to." He teases. Alysha sighs in defeat.
She bites off the bacon and smiles at the delicious taste.
Her stomach begins to growl loudly and everyone laughs. "Shhhh." Alysha scolds her stomach yet it growls again.
Alysha pulls out a small knife and scoops up some of Liams eggs and eating them. "Hey." Liam pouts unhappily and Alysha snorts in amusement.
"Your the one who offered my the bacon. It made me hungry." She replies shortly before nicking a piece of bacon.
Liam tries to take it back but Alysha quickly shoves it in her mouth. Everyone laughs at Liams childish pout. Alysha included, struggling not to choke on the bacon. She manages to swallow and locks her lips and fingers. "That was some good bacon." She says in satisfaction.
"Bacon I couldn't eat." Liam grumbles and again everyone laughs.
Alysha smiles.
The ice has been broken.

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