Fighting, Catching, Running

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Alysha Hill
I shot upright gasping for breath. My body shook and my skin felt hot and clammy. "Alysha? You up yet?" Maddisons voice calls through the door and I hurry over quickly.
"I'm up." I open the door a crack and look out at her.
"Get dressed. I want to show you something." She says as she looks at me through the gap in the door. "Wear something athletic." She adds before I close the door.
As I look through my clothes for my training gear I saw that my hands were shaking. Quickly I pull out my training gear and change. I pull on sneakers and run my hands through my hair. Taking a deep breath I open the door and smile at Maddison. "Your scars still amaze me. They're like an artwork on your body." She says and I look down at myself. My cropped singlet with a knot at the front showed almost all of my scars.
"What happened to your arm?" Maddison asks as she leads me down the hallway.
"Just a little injury. It'll be fine and scar like everything else. Now can you tell me where we are going at 4:30 in the morning?" I ask, wanting to change the subject quickly.
"You'll see. It's a surprise." Maddison chuckles and I follow without another question.
She opens the door to a large room and I smile when I see it was a gym. "I thought you'd like to do some training exercises and stuff with me. Like we use to." She says as she walks inside and puts her jacket on a bench.
"I've changed a lot since we last did this Maddison." I say as I walk in and shut the door.
"Well I've changed as well. Maybe you'll be able to beat me." Maddison teases as she walks over to a thin blue matted area.
"Well we all know I'm fastest." I reply as I walk over and take up my position opposite her.
She gets into position as well. "And we all know I'm more socially capable." She replies and I lunge forwards. Maddison dodges and I jump back.
"Socially capable? Why would I need to be socially capable?" I snort and this time Maddison lunges at me but I duck and roll.
"To make friends." She replies somewhat sharply before diving at me again.
With a growl I catch her fist, spin and fling her over my back and to the ground where I pin her on her stomach. "I have friends Maddison and they're all I need." I reply as I get up and back away so she can stand.
"I'll make sure to put that on the list of things that I shouldn't mention around you." Maddison smiles and I shake my head.
"Come on Mads. Show me what you got." I indicate for her to come at me and she smiles.
"Now this is what I'm talking about. The good old Alysha." Maddison laughs before leaping forward to attack.

Liam Stone
I almost walked into Kyle as u walked down towards the lounging area where we meet. "Maddison left a note saying she went to the gym with Alysha. Said something about early morning therapy." Antonio says as he enters.
"Why don't we go get them for some breakfast then?" Steve suggests.
Shrugging, we all walk towards the gym. As we open the door we see Maddison and Alysha fighting while clinging to the ropes, 15-20 meters above the ground. Maddison strikes out at Alysha and she drops down to 5 meters above the ground. Antonio was about to say something when Maddisons grip slipped and she fell with a scream.
Before anyone else can react Alysha swiftly reaches out and grabs Maddisons wrists. She hooks her feet firmly around the rope as she hung upside down, holding onto Maddison who's feet were just above the ground. Alysha left go and Maddison landed and stepped back shaking from shock. Quickly Antonio rushed over to check if she was okay.
Alysha righted herself and slid down. "That was an almost impossible catch. The speed of your reaction and your accuracy is amazing." Antonio says and Alysha looks at the floor.
"I've done many things for Maddison. This was no different to any of those." She replies and Maddison hugs her tightly.
"We have one more thing left to do." She says and Alysha steps back with a laugh.
"Oh please. You may as well back down and give up Maddison. You'll never beat me at this." She says and walks over to the stereo.
"That's a smart idea. I'll sit this one out and watch with these guys." Maddison shrugs and Antonio looks at her in shock. We all look at her in shock.
She never gave up that easy. "Don't looked so shocked people. It's a beep test. I'm the fastest agent you'll ever find. Nobody can catch me when I make a runner. That is unless they have a car waiting for them." Alysha says and clenches her eyes shut fir a second.
My eyes wander to her bandaged arm. Nobody else knew what was hidden underneath. "Liam." Alysha warns without looking back at us and I suckle lower my gaze.
"Sorry. It's a habit for me to look at pretty woman." I say as I sit down and be careful not to look at Alysha.
"That's very flattering of you Liam but I'm the last person you should be complimenting. Anyway. Shouldn't you and your brother be tending to guests and staff?" Alysha says as she presses play and the usual start of the beep test begins.
"Well for one I'll compliment whomever I want. And no we don't need to be tending to guests or staff. The staff know what they're doing and they tend to the guests." I reply as I slowly look up and watch Alysha run back and forth between beeps.
The levels rise and I'm silently astounded at how easy she's running. How simple it is for her.

"Go Alysha. Only two left." Maddison claps excitedly.
We all watch gobsmacked. "21, 15." Comes from the stereo.
I've never seen anyone get this far on a beep test before. She just gets there at the beep. "21, 16."
I hold my breath as Alysha flies down towards the end. My jaw drops when she crosses the line just before the beep. Alysha bends over and rests her hands on her knees. "That's why Maddison never tried." She says with a deep breath before standing and walking over.
Maddison passes her a bottle of cold water and she drinks it swiftly. We all stare at her in shock and amazement but out of the corner of her eye she's looking right back at me.

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