Much Too broken

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"Hey Alysha. Could we talk for a second?" Alysha almost jumped out of her skin at the sound of Liams voice behind her.
"You okay Alysha? You never jump." Maddison says and Alysha froze for a second before quickly standing and grabbing Liams arm, dragging him away from the room.
"What?" She hissed and spun to look at Liam who was massaging his wrist where she'd grabbed him.
"Your grip is painful." He grumbles and Alyshas mind flashed back to when she was unable to hold onto his mother.
"I can't risk dropping someone again. It killed me the last time. My grip wasn't strong enough they slipped and fell to their death. Now what do you want Liam. I'm depressed enough as it is?" She sighs, Liam can hear the defeat on her voice.
"After you showed me how you extract the bullets from your body you said you only had one more. I couldn't help but think about it and was wondering if you'd tell me where it is." He says cautiously. Alysha looks out the window that looks out at Coronado. She looked at the hotel just down the street and knew Charlie was watching. She also knew the assassins were watching from wherever they may be
"Do you have a room here with no windows and no cameras?" Alysha asks.
"The wine cellar. Why?" Liam replies and looks at her oddly.
"The wine cellar. Only entry is through the kitchen. West side. 4 minutes to get there. 114 windows to pass. That's good enough. Lead the way." Alysha says, completely emotionless.
"How do you know this stuff?" Liam laughs and Alysha smiles slyly.
"I did my homework. Now hurry up. Standing here for a long period of time is dangerous and will lead to me dying and you getting shot with badly, badly aimed bullets." She says with a wave if her hands and Liam quickly leads the way, to scared to say anything.
Alysha walked next to him and got glares and curious looks from passing woman. As they walked through the dining area a man pinched her ass and laughed as if drunk. Alysha stopped and slowly turned. Liam notices Alysha was no longer walking beside him and turns quickly to see her fists clenched and a deadly look on her face as she edged closer to a lone male.
Quickly he hurried over and stepped between them. "Get out of the way Liam." Alysha snarled.
"Please forgive me for this Alysha." Liam sighed and picked Alysha up before slinging her over his shoulder and walking quickly towards the kitchen.
"Liam put me down." She punched his back and he winced. It was stronger that he expected.
Quickly he walked through the kitchen and into the wine cellar. He put Alysha down and quickly locked the door before turning on the light. "I'm sorry Alysha but it's bad business to have someone get murdered in front of the owner. Especially if the owner is one of the 8 Riches." He sighs. Alysha glares and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Fine. Now you want to know where the last bullet is right?" She says and Liam walks closer and sits on a barrel.
"Don't get the wrong idea." She says pointedly and Liam frowns. But his eyes widen as she lifts her shirt and pulls it off.
He looked her over slowly and Alysha threw her shirt at him with a glare."The bullet is on the other side of this rib here." She says and touches one of her middle ribs yet there wasn't a bullet scar.
"It went through here." She turns and touches a scar on her back.
Liam stands and walks over. He gently touches it and Alyshas body stiffened. "It went straight through?" He asks softly and Alysha swallows with a shaky nod.
"How did it not hit anything major?" He asks and Alysha blinks rapidly to try shake the tingly feeling running through her body.
"It nicked my lung but nothing too serious. It's gonna be the most painful to get out." She says with a gasp as Liam stepped closer and trailed his fingers over the lines of her back and circled her bullet scars.
"I can help numb the pain when your ready if you want." He whispers lowly by her ear and she turns.
Liam was smirking at her and she breathed in sharply. "GAH. Why does this only happen to me?" She growls to herself as she quickly walks around him and grabs her shirt. She pulls it on and keeps her back to Liam as she leans on a shelf of wine.
"What?" He asks as he walks over.
"I can't tell you. If you find out them I will snap and move the bullet ever so slightly so that it causes me to fall in spasms of pain." Alysha replies weakly as she struggled to hold in her tears.
"You do that to cause yourself pain? That's how you show your depression?" Liam stands beside her and Alysha turns her head slightly away from him.
"You cut your wrists. I move a bullet embedded in my chest to strike a nerve and make me fall in spasms of pain. It's the only way I can feel pain. I don't feel emotional nor mental pain and my pain tolerance is impossibly strong. I could shoot myself over and over but I wouldn't cry out in pain unless I'm going through some serious crisis or something. I've trained myself not to feel nor show emotions yet you cut me open like I'm nothing. I'm not going to stay here for the 6 months. Tomorrow after the wedding I'm packing and leaving LA. I'll be leaving the US and going somewhere else so I don't have to face you nor your brother or anyone else again. It's just too much pressure for me to handle in my current situation. If I'm lucky my tail will follow and let you and your brother keep living for another couple years." Alysha said, completly broken, barely able to stand, barely able to keep the tears from falling.
"You'd leave just like that? Maddison was so excited that she'd be able to see you again. She would always talk and brag about you up to this day. It'll hurt her if you leave." Liam says in a hard tone and Alysha spun to face him, all her emotions that she'd always kept hidden swirling to the surface.
"I'd rather hurt her if I leave that kill her if I stay. If I stay here there god knows what will happen. As you can tell my temper and patience isn't stable. I will snap. I will snap and kill. Or they will kill me and kill you all too. I never should have come here. You're all closer to death than you realize. Death is waiting literally just outside the Hotel. If you or any of you die because of me then I'll stand on the highest point of this building and jump. But instead of sticking the landing or grabbing a rope it will be to my death." Alysha screamed. Liam backs up in shock.
Alysha clenches her jaw before turning and walking from the cellar, leaving Liam to stand alone. He slid to the floor and stayed there. Much too broken to move. Much too broken to stand. Much too broken to call for someone.

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