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Alysha sat on the roof of her home and watched her son and daughters play on the lawn blow. Her twin girls Claire and Scarlet wrestled each other while their older brother Carlos sat on a tree stump and watched them. Alysha smiles at the sight. Carlos was always watching over the girls. He never fought or argued with them, just watched over them.
Alysha lay back on the warm roof, the sun beginning to set, casting beautiful colours across the sky. "Why do you sit up here alone?" Someone asks from above her by the window that leads out onto the roof.
Alysha jolted upright and spun around to see Carlos sitting there watching her. She looked down to see the twins still wrestling then looked back at her son in amazement. "How did you get up her so quickly and quietly?" She asks. Carlos walked carefully down and sat beside her.
"Dad says I take after you the most." He says and looks down at his sisters who were stopping wrestling. They then started laughing and talking.
"You may have your dad's looks but you have my skills." Alysha puts an arm around her son's shoulders.
"Mum why do you sit up here alone?" He asks again and Alysha sighs.
"When I first joined the IMF I would always sit on the roof and watch the sun set with a friend from the IMF. On the day of Maddisons wedding he was killed. Now I sit up here to remember him. It feels as if he's sitting beside me, watching the sun set like we use to." She replies with a sad smile.
The gates open and a car pulls up the drive and parks outside the house. "Daddy!" The girls squeal and run over to Liam as he gets out of the car. He kneels down and hugs them with a laugh.
"Come on. Lets go see your dad." Alysha stands with Carlos and holds his hand as they walk back up the roof and inside.
As Alysha closed the window she smiled out at the setting sun before jogging after her son to go greet her husband.

Liam Stone + Alysha Hill =
Carlos and Claire and Scarlet Stone

Blood And Shattered Vases; BOS 5Where stories live. Discover now