Accidentally Spilt

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Liam Stone
There's something about Alysha that's slightly off. She seems the slightest bit familiar. It's as if I've heard her voice before but I can't remember where. When she looked durectly at me I felt as if I were prey and she a predator, waiting to pounce. After she pulled out that crossbow and smiles a sly smile it was as if the world had slowed.
"Are you okay?" Alex asks and I turn to look at him.
"No I'm not. Did you not hear any thing that was said between Maddison and this Alysha girl? Did you not see the weapons she has? They're higher grade than anything we've ever seen and could ever get our hands on. There's something off about her." I reply sharply.
"I know. How could she know about how we got this place? Nobody knows. It was also as if she knew us. She seemed slightly hostile and... hesitant towards us." My brother puts a plate in front of me and my mouth waters.
He's a brilliant cook and the steak in front of me smells delicious. "I wonder what Maddison ment by it wasn't recommended to invite Alysha to the wedding?" I say aloud before cutting and eating the steak.
"She worked with Maddison. Second best agent to ever live. She said she had a tail that for the first time is worse than Maddison. Perhaps coming here might draw her tail here. They could ruin the wedding and kill everyone maybe." Alex suggests as he sits down.
"I only really came here for this wedding because of who else Maddison invited. With them here I'm safe for a while. Now if you know what's good for you then mind your own business or you'll be on their personal hit lists instead of just the cartel hit list." A voice hissed behind us and I start choking on my steak.
Someone presses an area on my neck and I stop choking. "Your welcome." They say and I turn to see Alysha. She walked away towards the window and looked out at the rain with narrowed eyes.
"Why look out that window and not out at the better veiw?" I ask.
"I'll look out whatever window I want." She replies harshly.
"Why are you still cold and prickly?" Maddison asks as she walks in with Antonio.
"I have my reasons Maddison. One being because of you blowing up the agency I lost all information on my number 1 target." Alysha snaps and Maddison cringes.
"Sorry about that." She replies quietly and Alysha puts a hand in her pocket.
I scan her over slowly. Shoulder length hair, freshly cut. Black long sleeve, black leather, high waisted pants and black boots. She's rather pretty actually now that I study her closely. She had a scar running down the left side of her neck and when she glanced over her shoulder as the others entered I saw she had chocolate brown eyes that looked cold and distant.
"I'd don't appreciate being stared at Liam. Go ask the dead man in my freezer at home and he'll tell you all about it." She snaps and I stiffen.
"Your joking right?" Ash asks and Alysha leans against the windowsill, not saying a word.
"Alysha never was one to joke. Not after she came home 9 years ago." Maddison says and Alysha lunges at her, pinning her to the wall, a knife at her throat. We all swiftly pull out a gun and point it at her.
"Never mention anything to do with that ever again. You don't know what happened. You don't know what I lost. All you know is I took 15 bullets to complete my mission. Say anything more and I will kill you without hesitation. Friend or no friend. I don't care if these people with guns pointed and me kill me. I'd rather be dead than hear a word about what happened." Alysha croaky, tears pouring down her cheeks.
Maddison looks at her in shock, her body shaking, her mouth opening and closing but no words came out. Alyshas hand began to shake and she lowers the blade. "I'm not who I use to be." She says before dropping the knife into a flower pot and walking back towards her room.
Maddison didn't move and all we did was lower our guns. "Maddison who is she?" Antonio asks as he slowly walks over to his fiancé.
"Alysha Hill. The only person in the world who's more broken that I was." She replies and I look down at my steak yet I no longer feel hungry.
"She said she took 15 bullets to complete her mission. Is that true?" Alex asks.
Maddison nods slowly. "All at once. When she came back she was so broken and alone. She use to be full of life and completed her missions with passion. But after that she completed her missions with anger, sadness. She barely ever smiled after that. She grew up way too fast. Where ever she went she saw to much. She came across a life altering moment. Something happened to her yet nobody knows." She says and I look at the stairs in which Alysha had swiftly disappeared.
Without really knowing I was doing it I stood and walked up the stairs towards Alyshas room. When I got there and lifted my hand to knock I hesitated. When I did knock the door swung open almost instantly. Alysha stood in front of me. Her eyes red and skin pale. "What do you want?" She hissed.
"I wanted to make sure you didn't throw yourself out the window. We kinda need you here. With all of us in one spot we could use a little protection and by the looks of it you have plenty." I say with and small smile and she rolls her eyes before walking into her room, leaving the door open.
I slowly walk in and close the door. I was shocked to see a series of wires crisscrossing across the ceiling. "It's to help with pain tolerance." Alysha says as if knowing I was looking across them.
She sat on one of the chairs and looks at me with her head cocked to the side. "So you took 15 bullets huh?" I ask AS I sit down opposite her and she looks away as if in pain.
"Yeah. Close your eyes for a second will you." Alysha says and I do so.
There's a slight ping before she says I can open my eyes. When I do I see her sitting in a cropped singlet. Bullet scars dotted her body. One of them looked as if it were freshly made.
She indicates to the ceiling and I look up to see a bloody bullet stuck to one of the wires. "Number 14. I only have one more to remove. The wires are magnets. Powerful magnets. They rip the bullets out through the place where they came in." She explains and I look are her in shock.
She was wrapping her arm with one hand. I walk over and take over. She looked at me as if scared of me and I backed away as soon as I was done. "That's some serious pain tolerance you have." I state and she shakes her head.
"Not really. I never felt them entering my body until someone told me I'd been shot 15 times. I knew they were hitting me but I never really felt them." She replies and I lean back in the chair and look her over slowly.
"Can you please. Stop doing that Liam? It makes me feel as if I'm a test subject all over again." She hissed again and quickly goes pale.
"You were a test subject? What for?" I ask her and she shakes her head quickly.
"I wasn't suppose to say that. It just accidentally came out. Get out please. Just get out." She says quickly and I slowly stand.
"Alysha you can tell me. I'm not gonna tell anyone." I say without being able to stop it.
"Just please leave and don't say anything. The less you all know the safer you all are." She says and quickly ushers me from her room before shuting the door quickly behind me.
I look at it in shock.
What the hell has this girl gone through and who the hell is she really?

Blood And Shattered Vases; BOS 5Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz