Blood And Shattered Vases

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Five months later
"Liam. Liam. You there?" Liam quickly shook his head.
"Sorry Alysha. What is it?" He asks. The doctors carefully checked over his wounds as he talked on the phone.
"Well I left a car outside the hospital for you. Dropped it off at 6 am. When I was running back I realized I was being followed. I could see them they were I the buildings, down the alley ways, walking behind me and past me on the streets yet none of them struck out or anything." Alysha said in a slight panic.
"Calm down Alysha. Who were they?" Liam asks.
"You're free to go now. Sign out at the front desk." One of the doctors says. Liam nods and walks from the room with his bag of things.
"This is bad Liam. I don't know what to do. I always know what to do. I always have an answer to any scenario. But I don't have an answer. It's freaking me out Liam. My emotions are getting through. My mental state is crashing back and forth. If anything happens to me now I'll be able to feel the pain." Alysha says, not answering the question and Liam can hear her pacing.
He gets into the elevator and pressings the ground floor button. "Alysha. Calm down." Liam snaps and he hears Alysha stop.
"I'm sorry Liam. I'm just a little scared." Alysha whispers.
Liam steps out of the elevator and walks over to the front desk. He signs himself out and heads to the door. "Who was following you Alysha? Who was it?" He asks slowly, basically begging for an answer.
"Them. It was them Liam. Why didn't they attack. It was the Black Crystal Rose Cartel." Alysha whimpers and Liam went stiff.
"It's gonna be okay. Just take deep breaths and do whatever it takes to calm down. I'm on my way. There's nothing to worry about." He says in as soothing a tone as he can manage as he sprints to his car and climbs in.
"Okay." Alysha replies quietly and Liam hangs up before turning on his car and speeding out of the hospital car park urgently.

Alysha Hill
After Liam hung up I began pacing again. Back and forth. Back and forth. That didn't help so I walked into the bathroom and turned the cold tap on.
I splashed my face and begun to slowly feel better.
I froze mid way through splashing cold water over my face at a slight draft. Liam can't be here yet. It's too soon. I only contacted him 2 minutes ago. My senses spiked to high alert. There was the soft sound of someone walking towards where I am. It's male. An expert at what he's doing. An assassin or possibly an agent. But with my current status I'd say assassin.
Taking the knife that I had under the basin I turn and walk silently to the door.
He was just there. I saw the tip of his polished black shoe enter the bathroom before I lunged, swiping out with my knife. He saw it coming and grabbed my wrist in an iron grip. He twisted sharply and I cry out in pain before flicking my wrist and slicing their wrist. He lets go with a hiss of pain and I tackle them to the ground.
Bumping the side table, a vase fell and shattering on the ground.
I stab the knife into his arm and he throws me off, the air being knocked from my lungs. The man drives my own knife through my arm and I scream in agony. He puts a cloth over my mouth and everything goes black.

Liam Stone
I walk into Alyshas room and quickly group rung the others. Vases were shattered, blood in a large pool on the floor as well as a trail heading towards the door as if the victim was dragged. "Liam? What is it?" Alex asks and I know the others are listening.
"It's Alysha. She's gone." I say then hang up and stare at the blood and shattered vases.
It doesn't take long for the others to arrive. When they did I was on my knees, eyes dry from crying out all my tears. "What happened?" Maddison gasps as she looks around.
"Alysha rung me. She told me she was being followed. They would pass her in the street and walk right by her. She was in a panic because they never struck out. It was the Black Crystal Rose Cartel. I drove here as fast as I could but when I got here I arrived to find this." I croaked, my throat dry and sore.
"They must have taken her." Crystal says and I feel even weaker.
"Where would they have taken her? She's highly trained and would need to be taken somewhere where it's almost impossible to break out or get out of. They can't have taken her too far away either. They'll have to be in Coronado still." My eyes stung with the need to cry yet there were no tears left.
"Who's blood is that?" Delance asks and indicates to the large pool and the trail of blood.
"Alyshas. The smaller one by the bathroom door is whoever attacked her. They're male but the ID isn't coming up. All it says is Russian male, mid 30's. There was a very bad photo too but there would be no way that it would be able to be improved." I say as I stare at the floor.
"This is all my fault. I should have kept her on the phone. Then whoever attacked her would probably not have attacked. Then I could have gotten here in time." I curse.
"It's not your fault. We will find Alysha. I promise brother. What we need to do is gather information on the Black Crystal Rose Cartel. We need to know how they like to kill their targets. They we can figure out what they could have done to Alysha. No doubt they'll try get information first before killing her. It's a good thing she's strong and doesn't feel pain." Alex says and I shake my head.
"That's the biggest problem. She can feel pain. She was struggling with her mental state and emotions. Whenever this happens she can feel pain. We need to work faster than ever if we are to save her." I stand and walk over to my bed, pulling out a laptop from under the mattress.
"You can use this Maddison. It's impossible to track and block so the Cartel can't stop us from seeing what they're up to and what they've done." Passing it to Maddison I sit on the bed.
Please be okay Alysha.
I've only just found you.
I can't loose you.

Blood And Shattered Vases; BOS 5Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant