What career you'll dominate

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ENFP – Freelance Travel Writer 😃🙂

With your thirst for adventure, your creativity, and your curiosity for new cultures, travel writing is a career you were tailor-made for. This job allows you to experiment with a variety of activities – from writing, to networking, to pitching to editors, to sightseeing! You’ll be able to satisfy your hunger for novelty as well as be inspired by new and interesting people and experiences.

lso: Entrepreneur, Performing Artist, Author, Psychologist, Teacher

ENTP – Entrepreneur

ENTPs are one of the most common types to pursue entrepreneurial work, and in fact they earn more when self-employed ($69k) than they do in a standard job ($57k). Their desire for independence and flexibility makes the entrepreneurial world a perfect fit for them. They can innovate solutions, think about big-picture ideas, use their natural gifts for marketing, and approach tasks in a casual, unstructured way. Entrepreneurship puts the ENTP in the driver’s seat and it allows them to think without limits about what they can achieve.
Also: Marketing Manager, Stockbroker, Creative Director, Political Scientist

INFP – Creative Writer

INFPs enjoy working creatively and autonomously. They have rich, vivid imaginations that are usually filled to the brim with stories and possibilities. Their empathy allows them to write fully-dimensional characters who are varied and intriguing. Alone in a quiet place with nothing but pen and paper INFPs can bring their inner worlds to life in ways that are captivating to the soul and spirit. Some famous INFP authors include Albert Camus, George Orwell, A.A. Milne, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, and Edgar Allan Poe!

Also: Counselor, Veterinarian, Performing Artist, Musician, Occupational Therapist

INTP – Software Developer

INTPs are drawn to technology like moths to the flame. They love using their reasoning skills and troubleshooting abilities to create innovative systems and platforms. Their curious, intellectual nature tends to draw them to fields in engineering, technology, and the sciences. These are all places where they can think creatively and design solutions that solve abstract problems and desires. As software developers, especially entrepreneurial software developers, INTPs are able to work autonomously and at their own pace – which can be quite brisk if they are passionate about what they are creating!
Also: Computer Systems Analyst, Engineer, Physicist, Professor, Writer

ENFJ – International Nonprofit Administrator

You are a master in the art of diplomacy. Your ability to organize systems so that they better meet people’s needs is nothing short of astounding. You’re not afraid of complex issues and you desperately want to bring improvement to the lives of suffering people. Being an administrator for an international nonprofit organization allows you to bring real solutions to issues like disease, poverty, draught, and famine. Your ability to quickly understand cultural differences and the unique emotional needs that face people from all walks of life makes you indispensable in this career field.
Also: Psychotherapist, Teacher, Public Relations Specialist, Human Resources Manager

ENTJ – Chief Executive Officer

As an ENTJ you are naturally competitive and driven to be at the head of the pack. You enjoy strategizing and networking with diverse groups of people. Your ability to make tough calls, take smart risks, and foresee likely implications and possibilities makes you indispensable as a CEO. You have a gift for knowing which markets to enter, developing a company vision, and hiring (and firing) the appropriate people. You’re not afraid to be innovative, but you’re also good at creating contingency plans if a new idea or experiment fails. Your ability to work-hard and meet challenges with resolve is admirable.
Also: Lawyer, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Agent, Professor

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