How you ruin your life

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You have a hard time committing- when it comes to possibilities, you see them and even thrive living in a realm with never ending choices and opportunities. You ruin your life without meaning to by constantly entertaining all your options and choices without picking one and sticking to it. Although possibilities are wonderful, if you refuse to choose something and stick with it, you’ll miss out on so much more than you realize and keep chasing the wind, which ultimately will leave you empty.


You are full of incredible ideas and are at your best when you are able to think and analyze about them, as well as thinking about how to put them into action. Yet you ruin your life without meaning to by never actually applying action to your ideas, and as a result none of your them ever actually happen in real life. Eventually you will reach a point of realizing you haven’t achieved as much as you thought you would, and it will eat away at you- especially knowing that you could have done something about it.


You spend a lot of time within your mind trying to figure out the best solution or situation. Although not settling is a good thing, you ruin your life without meaning to by striving so hard for the picture you have in your mind that you don’t give anything else a chance. Sometimes what is “perfect” doesn’t actually exist, or may not be the best for you anyway- and you don’t want to spend all your time thinking about the perfect situation while amazing things pass you by in the process.


You are an incredible soul who loves to keep harmony and peace amongst everyone you know, and while it is admirable to care so much for those who mean most to you it does have its downsides. You ruin your life without meaning to by spending so much time trying to keep the peace and help those you love that you tend to forget about yourself, or completely ignore your own principles and morals in an attempt to not cause a problem. In the end, you will spend too much time trying to make everyone happy (spoiler alert, you can’t make everyone happy) that you will completely ignore what you want or what you need to do for yourself, and it will destroy you.


Honestly, you are kind of like our mom, and we adore you for it. You have the adeptness to perceive what others are feeling, and have a keen focus on how to help. Your desire to help, along with your ability to truly be in tune with those around you, is outstanding, yet sometimes you get too caught up. You ruin your life without meaning to by always staying involved in the problems in your loved ones lives and not taking a step back to check in on yourself. It can be easy to ignore our own issues if we are distracting ourselves with everyone else’s. In the end you’re going to exhaust yourself (and possibly those around you) and not take care of yourself, which can be dangerous.


Your need to be liked. Let’s face it, you have a really engaging personality that allows you to be charming and capable of so much. However, you tend to need an excessive amount of approval from other people. You highly value other’s opinions of you, which isn’t exactly a bad thing. Yet you ruin your life without realizing you are by constantly seeking validation from others at any cost. While it’s always nice to have a self-confidence boost and support from others, depending on this will only kill your self-esteem and hinder you from doing the things you are capable of. Not everyone is going to like you, and that’s perfectly okay.

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