What makes each type intimidating

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You intimidate people by questioning the traditions and societal norms that so many find comfort in. You’re willing to step outside-the-box and see things from angles and perspectives that nobody imagined before – and that can feel scary for a lot of people. The fact that you shake up their worldview and question long-standing norms and viewpoints can be terrifying to some people. It’s as if you are removing the fences that guard them from the edge of a cliff and saying, “Hey! Look at this view now!” but it’s all too dizzying and steep for them.


Like the ENFP, you’re also someone who likes to flip tradition on its head and show people new ways of seeing the world around them. You’re an iconoclast, a rebel, and someone who doesn’t mind debating your views with precision and accuracy. The fact that you can face the void of the unknown and see nothing but possibilities can frighten people. They are afraid of what you might open their mind to and what cherished viewpoints they might leave behind in the process.


You’re keenly aware of the emotional distance between yourself and others. In a one-on-one situation you listen and observe with intense empathy and awareness. However, this attentiveness can be off-putting to some because beneath your quiet demeanor it’s clear that you are perceptive of intentions and authenticity levels. One gets the feeling when they are talking with you that none of their lies or cover-ups will pass beneath the radar. They feel “seen” – and while some people may appreciate that, it can terrify others who have ulterior motives or wish to present themselves in a perfectly curated light.


Your cool, detached demeanor can be intimidating to people who want to be able to easily “read” you. You’re not easily de-coded and your independence, unpredictability, and enigmatic demeanor can put some people on edge. You don’t typically intend to intimidate people – in fact, you enjoy close, warm relationships. You just don’t tend to spend a lot of time engaging in small talk, gossip, or wearing your emotions on your sleeve. This can make you hard to figure out – and the mystery can scare some people off.


“Intimidating” is one of the last words most people would use to describe you. Empathic and insightful, you attempt to put people at ease in your presence. That said, the same things that comfort some can be nerve-wracking for others. They find themselves intimidated by what you see in them. They know that just being in your presence opens them up to your perceptive insight. You might see something in them – some gift or potential that you try to motivate them towards. You might sense feelings that they’re trying to keep hidden.You emotionally X-ray people and sometimes this can be a scary experience for those who want to stay hidden.


Confident and visionary, you have no patience for trivial activities or procrastination. You intimidate people with your boldness and insight. There’s a feeling that you could win any argument, see past any excuse, or point out any inefficiencies that are keeping someone from their goals. Some people enjoy this – they want to be challenged. But other individuals would rather stay in their comfort zone, getting by rather than achieving. They are intimidated because you’ll remind them of how much they could do if they stopped making excuses and getting in their own way.

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