18. Virgil

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Last night was... interesting. I kept having these dreams. I would be walking down this long corridor. I'd pass door after door. Then it'd get to a point where there is a fork and I'd hear this voice calling out to me. Calling my name... My birth name... I'd follow it and soon I start seeing these fleeting images. People I know... people I knew... My parents... My son, Patton... I'd keep going until this dead end. The air would get cold and I turn around only to find Roman standing there. Blood on his hands... on his neck. He'd just smile like he was happy but I could hear his heart slowly stop until there was nothing and everything would begin to crumble around me until I was stuck in this room of pure black and...

"VIRGIL!" I jumped at the sound of Patton forcibly putting down a plate of breakfast beside me. It was completely covered with food. Eggs, apple sliced, blueberries, you name it... I raised my eyebrow at him and he just shrugged. "Roman wasn't feeling well last night, it seemed to cause him a bit of pain."

"So you made him breakfast?"

"Of, course." I heard something rustling in the room behind me and I rolled my eyes. It wasn't until I heard thing crash did I bolt up to find Roman leaning on the end table. The lamp once again, broken in pieces on the floor. Roman went to go pick it up but he winced in pain and soon Patton was helping him to the table.

"Sorry about that." His voice was hoarse and quiet. Almost on instinct, I reached out, placing my hand on his forehead. His eyes went wide but I didn't move it. His temperature was hotter than it should have been. His skin was clammy and pasty. I moved away glancing at his plate of food and rolled my eyes. Of course, Patton went all out for our guest.

"Don't worry about it, kiddo..." Patton started eating his breakfast before stopping and glancing back at Roman. "How are you feeling, Roman, after last night?"

"I'm not dead..." I rolled my eyes at threw a napkin at his face, which he caught.

"Your such a drama queen. I bet you couldn't even handle a paper cut. God forbid, you have to deal with actual pain." I was joking. I was even laughing but the flash in his eyes made me stop. He just sighed and started picking at his plate.

"So, I should probably take a shower or something, if that's ok, and then I'll head home. You know get out of your hair." Roman said as he started playing table soccer with his blueberries. Patton started choking, making the both of us look at him with confusion.

"Actually about that... I think Roman should live here." Patton just went about his eating like he never said anything. Meanwhile, both Roman and I sat there in shock. It was so silent that when Roman dropped his fork, the sound echoed throughout the room.

"Wait, hold up a minute. What the hell brought that nonsense on." I was completely lost. Sure Roman has been coming over more, and now we work together. He's even started to seem more and more like a friend but we still only met a bit ago. The fuck Pat?! 

"I just thought that with everything going on. Deceit's kidnapping, the issue at the station... Our family coming..." My eyes went wide and I glanced over at Roman. The families here. Why? When? " I thought maybe having a little protection might be nice. Roman, there is a way to ask for a police detail, right? Sort of like with witness protection but not?"

"Yes, but..."

"Roman." Patton got very serious all of a sudden. It wasn't like him. He usually tries really hard to stay overly peppy. I glanced over to see Roman taking a deep breath and nodding.  "Whether Deceit was taken by the family or someone else... It won't be long before we're targeted. I'm sure Logan will understand. Especially if you mention it was my idea."

"I can try." Did I just get kicked from the decision? When did I not have a say what happens in my home? Maybe I didn't want him staying here, even if it was protection wise? Did Patton just forget that having a human living here is a very bad idea? I looked back at Roman, who was once again just pushing his food around the plate. It just pissed me off.  He pissed me off. Patton went out of his way to make sure he had something healthy and he hasn't eaten one bite.

"EAT YOUR FUCKING FOOD ALREADY!" Roman's eyes went wide as he looked over at me. Patton got this look of pity, as Roman started to eat. I get it ok. I shouldn't have yelled at him. I didn't mean to. I was projecting like I always do. I wasn't really upset at the fact he wasn't eating. He wasn't eating because he wasn't feeling good. I sighed and turned to apologize when I saw his face go white. He jumped up from the table and ran to the bathroom, with Patton closely behind him. I glanced at his plate to find he had eaten every bit of it. If he was just going to throw it up he shouldn't have touched it...

He could have just told me to fuck off, instead of forcing himself to eat it.

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