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I growl, hungry to draw blood.

"Let me go." I say harshly, struggling uselessly against his iron grip. "There is no absolute way I'm joining your creepy league of killers. Does it look like I want to kill people for a living?" His eyes glint dangerously under the light, shadowing the rest of his face.

"Then say goodbye to your sweet mother." My heart goes still at his direct words.

"What?" I must've heard that wrong. He did not just threaten to kill my mother.

"You heard me. I don't like repeating things I've already said."

I lunge at him, aiming for his neck. But he's gone before I can reach him and my hand wraps around air. Not even a second later, pain explodes on my side, blinding me with stars and red.

He doesn't give me the slightest chance to retaliate as he plunges me into an ocean of pain.

Something lifts me up and smashes my entire body to the wall, knocking me senseless and unforgivingly hurling me to the ground.

I lie there for a second, agony roaring through my head. It's the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my entire life, and I can't help but want to faint, give myself up. But anger and fury for my mother win over the pain.

I just need a strategy, something I can use to trick him and then make my way to freedom.

The best thing I could come up in a few seconds was pretend-fainting.

I pretend I'm knocked unconscious, and when I hear his steps precisely seven inches to my right, I strike like a snake, fast and vicious.

My feet lands on his chest, and I can see his eyes widen in surprise in my peripheral vision. Satisfaction bursts through me like fireworks.

How does that feel, you heartless bastard?

I take advantage of his hesitation, swinging my right leg in a roundhouse kick that could probably shatter bone if it hit home.

But he's too fast. Too precise.

And I realize that too late.

He pins me on the ground before I can do any real damage. His hands are cold against my neck, a dangerous reminder of the temperature my body would be if I resisted even one more time.

I can't beat him.

The will to fight slowly dissipates from my eyes, leaving behind nothing but emptiness.

I'm sorry, mom. I tried. I really did.

Something flashes in his eyes in return, before he tightens his grip on my neck.
"Don't ever try something like that again. I don't want to accidentally kill you." He shakes his head, and the dark locks hanging off his forehead moves with him.

"You will join. I can see it in your eyes."

What can I say?

He's right.

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