End of a Storm

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The wind tickles my nose, snapping me out of my sleep. When I open my eyes, all I see is the white ceiling as it stares back at me.

I'm on a plain, white bed, the blankets tucked so delicately around me I have no doubt that it's V's work. When I rub my eyes and try to lift my upper body, pain shoots through my back. It's the clear reminder of what had happened a few hours ago.

I wince, but still force my body up. I can't just sleep in here when I need to check on Lisa. She might've been hurt more badly than me, and I wanted— needed to pay her a visit to see her condition.

It's tough to even stand when you'd been overdosed on powerful drugs made to make you dizzy and lightheaded. When I lose my balance for the third time walking the distance from the bed to the door— which is barely three meters— my hand slams into the wall in frustration.

This is so stupid.

When I finally reach the door and pull it open, struggling to even keep the two of my legs straight, an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me back into the room.

"I knew you'd try something like this."

V whispers into my ear as his other arm  coils around my legs, lifting my body up in a perfect bridal style.

"Wait— I want to see Lisa."

It's easier to speak now than before, but my throat still hurts every time I rasp out a word. Strangulation really took its toll on me.

"No. You need to rest until you regain your strength. Look at yourself— you can't even stand properly."

"Yes I can."

"No, you can't. All you need to know is that Lisa is in way better shape than you. And when I mean better, I mean that she can walk around like a normal person."


"Why didn't she come and see me?"

I must sound a bit hurt, because his eyes soften as he covers me with the rumpled blankets.

"Jungkook isn't letting her come outside of her room at all. He wants her to stay in bed."

That makes sense.

"Are you hungry?"

When I nod, he brings me a bowl of warm broth— my favorite, with meat and vegetables. It looks freshly prepared, still boiling slightly from the pot.

Did V cook?

"Careful. It's still a bit hot. You can't eat anything too chewy or hard yet— your body's not ready for that."

He suddenly laughs while I'm eating, causing me to look up. With a smile, he pinches my cheeks, stretching them the soft skin out so my face looks like a full moon.


"You look cute when you're eating, Kir."

I don't know what made me so brave to do the cringeworthy things I did right after he says that sentence.

"Can I have cake?"

V bursts into a giggling seizure at my aegyo, and I kick at his trembling body.

"Hey! I want cake!"

He doesn't stop laughing the entire time he leaves and brings the strawberry cake we always seemed to have because Lisa and Jungkook absolutely loved them.

I bite into the creamy surface, not feeling guilty at all as I finish the last piece Jungkook had saved for himself.


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