Hope Diamond

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When he turns to leave, I rush in to block his way out the door.

His head tilts at my action, feigning curiosity. But I know that he already knows what I'm going to say.

He has a stunning IQ of 310, after all. I wouldn't expect anything less, always more.

"No." V says firmly before I can say anything. "I'm pretty sure we talked about this, Kir. Do you really need me to repeat it again?"

"We didn't agree to anything. You were the one who burst that on me and just walked out the door. So technically I made no promises." When his face tightens, I launch into a speech that I've carefully prepared in my head just for this moment.

"First of all, I'm the only one who knows exactly where the location of the door is. Second of all, you might need some backup just in case you run into some unexpected trouble that your smart head of 310 didn't account. Third, I'm going after you anyway, so why bother shutting me in here? I trained for this kind of stuff as well, you know."

V looks at me long and hard before finally giving up. When he does, I struggle to contain a maniacal giggle.

One for me, zero for him.

I tie my long hair into a tight ponytail as I fade into the shadows of the darkened hallway. V follows my example, silent and deadly as a wraith gliding on water.

We reach the door with no trouble, and I spot the familiar two guards. Their eyes are barely open- I can tell that they're barely keeping themselves awake. I strain to hear if there's anyone coming, only to hear pure silence.

I nod at V, who glances at me with a clear message.


V's gone in a flash, a dark blur as he takes out the two men within seconds. They crumple to the ground, two faint lines on their necks.

It's the only sign signaling their deaths.

I shiver a bit as V wraps his left arm protectively around my shoulder, leading me forward. With a grateful nod, I check out the door as V keeps watch.

It's firmly locked with a thick padlock, which would be impossible to open without the actual key. There are so many mechanisms inside the lock, complexity at its very best.

But locks are my specialty, and I breeze through each of the barriers with my bobby pin, carefully and delicately bending each ridge, each curve to match the real key.

Soon, I catch the open lock as it drops into my palm. The door opens smoothly to my touch as it reveals another corridor, darker than night. But my eyes adjust quickly, pupils dilating and enlarging accordingly.

The hallway is empty. I expect to see something at the end of it, but there's nothing but plain wall. When I check the walls, they are smooth and normal. For a second I'm confused when V pulls me back, his eyes scanning the walls rapidly.

He's noticed something. I can see the spark as it lights up his eyes. Carefully, he lifts up an arm. For a moment I think he's pointing at something, but he quickly pulls back as a barrage of arrows appear out of nowhere and slams into the other side of the wall.

I hold my shocked gasp inside. In here, one wrong move, one wrong noise can give us away. Nothing can be assumed.

V bends down so his lips are inches from my ear. He whispers so faintly I barely catch what he's saying, even with my superior senses.

"Follow my steps exactly."

I nod at him, and he starts moving forward. Each of his steps are carefully calculated- and I fit my feet where he's stepped a second ago.

Amazingly, we're at the other side, safe and in one piece. Somehow, we haven't triggered even one single arrow, which is absolutely nothing short of perfection.

I follow his gaze as he analyzes the wall in front of us. It looks plain and basically, what a normal wall would look like. Boring, beige, and solid.

But then as I let my eyes wander, I catch something that V notices soon after. A part of the wall is slightly protruded forward, which is highly irregular for a basic wall.

V pushes the protruded region back, and with a soft click, the wall in front of us spins a perfect one eighty degrees to reveal something that takes my breath away.

It's the Hope Diamond.

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