Kiss Me

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I look out onto the lake, which is painted the colors of sunset. It's going to getting dark soon- judging by how far the sun has gone down.

 It's going to getting dark soon- judging by how far the sun has gone down

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Like my life.

It's at its deepest down right now, if my life was a roller coaster. If I'm honest, I would probably say my life is the most thrilling roller coaster you'll ever be on. The ups and downs on it are so distinctive that I wouldn't be lying if I said that my emotions are a hard wrecked mess by now.

The temperatures are chilly, which is just my luck. I really chose the perfect day to run out here like an idiot, especially out on a lake.


Absolutely perfect.

Now I'm wondering if I should throw myself in it and watch what happens.

I breathe out a frustrated sigh. I give up, I think. I've lost everything in the short span of five minutes- my friend, my emotions, my lover. Everything I lived and loved for was now gone, as dead as me in the bottom of that lake.

Gosh, Kirelei. Stop having suicidal thoughts! Did you really depend this much on him?

I sigh again.


Yes, I did.

A stray tear escapes my eyes, which has been watery since I slammed that door harshly on V's stunned face. Now I kind of want to go back and beg for his forgiveness.

But my dignity won't let me.

I wipe the teardrop from my cheek, but I regret that now as well. The action only draws out more, and I can't seem to stop the everlasting flow.

Soon, I'm sobbing like a three year old, and I scold myself for being so weak.

See, Kir? This is why V doesn't like you anymore. Because you're not strong enough to endure anything. You always break before you reach the end.

My tiny body wracks with sobs, and I'm only glad that nobody is here to watch me cry my heart out. I would absolutely die of embarrassment if someone was.

Okay, I spoke too soon.

A thick, gray jacket falls on top of my shoulders, instantly making me stop everything. My tears that seemed to continue forever freezes on the tip of my cheek, like time itself had stopped.

"It's cold out here, Kir."

I recognize the voice- I would know it anywhere, anytime.

I immediately retreat into the gigantic jacket, pulling it over my head and letting it hang over my teary eyes.

"Go away." I squeak, suddenly back to my ten year old voice. "Leave me alone."

I'm stupid to think he'd let me go this time as well.

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