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The darkness dissipates like a cloud of mist the second he whispers those words of trust, and the world I was in before paints my eyes once more.

V is staring up at me from his bed, very much awake and alive.

"Tae!" Jungkook jumps from his movie theater pose and rushes over to his friend, who looks completely confused.

"Kir?" The moment he whispers my name, I break the kiss and move back with a red flush, intending to give him some space but mainly out of pure embarrassment.

"H-Hi. Nice to see you again, V."

Jungkook waves at me like my work here was done. "Ignore her, Tae. She's still getting over the kiss." With a newfound smirk, Jungkook looks over at me and I clap a hand on his mouth before anything has the chance to come out of it.

It's clear with the proud gaze he's shooting me- That kiss was the hottest kiss I'd ever seen in my entire life, chipmunk. I didn't know you were so capable.

I glower at him murderously, tightening my hand into a fist and ready to inflict some real damage on a certain bunny that doesn't know his place.

V catches on after like a semi second- considering how smart he was. His confused expression changes immediately into a smirk that could rival Jungkook's.

"Skies, I'm out!" I throw up my hands in exasperation as I hurry to make my escape out the door. As soon as I do, V grips my wrists and pulls me back.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Uh, anywhere other than here."

He and Jungkook trade a brief look that I can't decipher the meaning of. Jungkook nods, the smirk deepening on his face.

"Sure, I'll leave you two alone."

The moment Jungkook leaves the room, I tilt my head at him in curiosity. Meeting my gaze, he tightens his grip and forces me on the bed next to him.

"I have some questions."

"I have some too," I peer at him, recalling the memories I saw in his mind. I need to know if those were true, if they actually happened to him.

"Me first, then. How long was I out? How in the world did you manage to bring me back?"

I make a show of counting idly with my fingers, mostly because I want to drag with the second question, which I'm reluctant to answer. If I give him the honest truth, he'd probably look at me like I was mentally ill.

"Four weeks and three days. Do you realize how much you got me and Jungkook worried? Gosh, Kook was so depressed that he forgot to call me chipmunk for two weeks straight!"

V smiles, the one that lights up the entire room. To be honest, I still can't believe he's awake and acting normal. After so much time, I'd been accustomed to the one that was silent and dead. But I didn't mean I was ecstatic at having him back. I'd missed him more than anything.

"How did you find me, Kir?"

I fidget slightly. "I remembered that whenever we kissed, we seemed to trade emotions or something similar to that. So I thought it was worth a try, and Jungkook was more than happy to as well." I roll my eyes sarcastically as I say that, and V giggles. "When I did, Skies, so much things happened."

He gives me a comforting gaze, his eyes never leaving mine. "We have all the time in the world."

So I tell him everything- the door in the garden, the realistic paintings that seemed like his memories. I hold nothing back as I confess our transformations back to our younger selves, and his murder of the police officer that had tortured him.

"That did happen when I was twelve. I think you're right when you said you saw my memories. But I didn't see a ten year old girl that helped me escape. Instead, that's when the League came to me, telling me to join. They really left me no choice, just like they did to you. It was either life or death for me and Kook, you know."

"Like I said, everything was really confusing. The whole experience was like a dream for me, actually. But I'm glad I was able to bring you back."

He runs his fingers along the dark locks of my hair, his other arm casually resting on my shoulder. The gesture feels so comforting I lean back into his chest, closing my eyes sleepily. This is the first time that I'd felt completely relaxed after he'd gone into a coma.

"Glad to be back."

V's hands move down to protectively wrap around the side of my waist, and my head droops drowsily against his broad shoulders.

Now I realize how exhausted I am. For the entire time V had been in a coma, there hadn't been a single day where I'd been able to sleep comfortably. I was almost always tense and buried head deep in nightmares on the lucky nights I did manage to get a few hours of slumber.


His voice sounds so soothing that for a second, I truly wonder if he's an angel that has fallen down to earth from the heavens above.

When my eyes close and my consciousness is in a state between being awake and asleep, I can register two strong arms lifting me up to place me on the center of the bed. I'm silently glad to know that the blankets are still warm from his heat. The sheets smell like lavender, which happens to be the intoxicating scent of him.

I don't think I've ever had such a sweet sleep in my entire life.

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