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"Did you seriously leave V in there to die? JEON JUNGKOOK! LISTEN TO ME!" My voice already worn out from screaming, I thrash and yell in his iron grip, beyond desperate to go back into that burning building.

Jungkook closes his eyes, sorrow apparent in the two gray orbs. After a few seconds, he opens them again, and they have been replaced by hardness and apology.

"I'm sorry, chipmunk."

Then he strikes on the part of my neck that I know too well. It's the part where it makes the victim weak and unconscious, something I've used so many times I've lost count.

Tears flow down my eyes as my fists strike weakly against his back for the last few seconds I have remaining.

"I need to save him. I need to go back. He's going to die, Jungkook. Are you just going to run away while he burns in that fire?"

But even though I beg for his life and mine, he doesn't soften up. Instead, his eyes turn firmer every time my voice squeaks out a weak plead. I can tell no matter how long I yell or scream, kick and thrash, nothing's going to make this psychotic bunny turn back to save his friend and my lover.

My voice slowly fades into the distance and his expressionless face is the last thing I see before everything goes pitch black.

Time Skip

I wake up to the hollow sound of water dripping, every drop hitting the ground reflecting the sound of my heart breaking. There's nothing but silence other than that, and I sit up quickly to look for Jungkook.

I will murder that bunny, even if it's the last thing I do.

When I throw the blankets off of my cold body, I find myself in a single bedroom, furnished simply with a bed and a nightstand. There's absolutely nothing else in the room, unless you count the lonely pot of flowers on the windowsill.

As I stare blankly at the white lilies, I realize where I'd heard the sound of dripping water. Rain is pouring so hard outside I can barely see an inch into the darkened skies. Everything is so gray I can't tell if it's night or day, dawn or dusk.

When I try to open the door, I discover that it's locked from the outside. When I inspect the knob, I realize that the only way for me to get escape the room is if someone unlocked it from the other side. As my fists clench in frustration, I guess it was Jungkook that had locked me in here.

He doesn't underestimate me.

He never did.

Trying to calm the anger that's clouding my head, I pace back and forth across the small area of the room. I can't help the uneasiness looming over me- the feeling that desires to know where V is, if he's okay and breathing.

When the storm has withdrawn from my mind, I am finally able to think a bit clearer. I scan the room for anything I can use for my escape- and I catch one thing that could either kill me or save me.

The window.

The latch swings open easily as I give it a gentle push. Rain immediately drenches the front of my shirt, the cold water a harsh reminder to wake up from this daydreaming.

This is reality, not some fictional story where the girl jumps out of the window and magically survives.

I could get hurt, or worse, die.

But I ignore the warning as I reach out and drop the flower pot in the pouring storm. Then I close my eyes for the sound of it smashing into bits of plaster and dirt into the ground, separating the noise of rain and thunder from that one tiny signal.

Judging by the flowerpot, I guess that I'm about twenty feet off the ground.

Easy jump.

I don't hesitate- even a tiny moment of doubt could kill you. You needed to time the jump and landing just right to ensure survival, something that I would have never been able to do without my superhuman reflexes.

But I'm lucky I qualify for the survival group.

My back lands on the ground in a curled position, taking most of the brutal impact as I roll on the dirt. When I get to my feet, the rain rushes over me hungrily, washing most of the mud I'd bathed in when I hit the ground.

Through the unwieldy storm, I see a glint of light on the opposite side of the building I'd just leaped from.

That must be where the others are.

I watch my step as best as I can as the rain sweeps over me in unmerciful waves of pure water. As I battle through the storm, I'm only reminded of the power of nature as it hurls everything it's got at me.

But when I get desperate, I can move mountains, swim across the Atlantic Sea without taking a break.

And trust me, I'm as desperate as a girl can get.

I quickly open the door and shut it behind me, blocking out the roar of the thunder and the blinding storm. The air conditioning hits me hardest, immediately reducing me into a pitiful state of a shivering mess.

Ignoring the chill was the hardest thing I've ever done, and I'd done a lot of difficult things during my lifetime.

I roam through the gigantic building, dead set on finding either V or Jungkook, whichever one came first.

V seemed more preferable to me, but I was also excited to knock out Jungkook with a deadly choke that I'd mastered just for this cause.

My instincts lead me to a room, which smells strongly of antiseptic and morphine. The unpleasant smell of drug and sedatives hang in the air like a cloud, and I try my best not to fall to the ground gagging.

It's so disgusting it could rival with the smell of blood, which was pretty much impossible to come by.

I keep wandering around, my feet taking me where my instincts tell me to go. Countless rooms pass me before I finally get to the source of all those medicine and anesthetic, and my heart plunges five hundred feet downward.

The source had been V.

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