Dark Arts of Combat

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He's even worse than V.

"Why is your feet tilting in that direction? Aim it towards the opponent! And why is your stance so wide apart?"

I bite my lip painfully as he quickly corrects my position with his hands and feet.

Wait until it's my turn, and you'll taste pain worse than hell, Jeon Jungkook.

"Pay attention!"

That's the only thing I hear before his fist collides with the side of my head, throwing my body sideways onto the blue mat that I've probably touched every inch of.

Pain explodes in the area of strike, and I gasp for breath as I swing my body so my feet lands first in a crouching position on the floor.

Jungkook is fast. His movements are graceful yet filled with power, his body like water through my fingers. My senses can barely keep up with him when I'm attentive, so what do you expect if I'm not?

He smirks at me as he repeats the same word that he has been saying for the past hour- the one that has been infuriating me to the point I might just go insane.


I grit my teeth as I get to my feet, my body adjusting quickly according to his instructions.

Then I lunge.

My hungry fists land on his own as we delve into a series of explosive combat. The only sound in the entire training room is gasps and grunts as we fight each other like our life hung on the balance.

He's strong and tall, not to mention quick and agile on his feet. But I make up for lost ground with my inhuman reflexes. They tell me where he is aiming next, and warn me of unexpected surprise attacks.

When me and him clash together, there's no trace of honor or chivalry.

There's only one thing- winning and beating the other person into an unrecognizable pulp.

I dive to the ground as his fist flashes out over my head, then lash out from under. He avoids the destructive shot just in time, and continues the fight that one person just can't seem to win.

We're both too good to lose, and we'd known the fact since the first collision of fist and feet.

But suddenly, I look up to see something cross his face. Immediately, I can tell it's determination, judging by the way it hardens his soft features and tenses his muscles more than usual during our fights.

But what is he planning to do?

Then everything stops.

A strange look comes over Jungkook's face as he moves with blinding speed, speed so fast my reflexes can't keep up with it. Before I realize anything, his thumb pushes hard against the upper corner of my neck, and my body freezes up like an ice block.

I hit the ground sideways, my mind still trying to understand what he has done to me. When I try to get back up to my feet, fire burns through my entire body.

I scream like I've never screamed before. The pain is excruciating with the slightest movement, washing over me in dark, red waves. The ground tilts in my hazy vision and I barely feel the ground meet my skin.

The pain is overwhelming, a thousand times worse than anything I'd ever felt. It's indescribable with simple expressions, unexplainable with words and phrases.

Every second feels like an hour trapped in the prison of pain. It feels like an eternity has passed until someone pushes against the opposite side of my neck, and it all dissipates away like mist.

My vision clears, and all the agony I experienced earlier fades into nothing but a sore ache in my body. When I open my eyes, I find Jungkook peering over me.

"Hey, are you alive?"

I cough and gasp for breath, realizing I hadn't taken a single breath during the entire time. Suddenly, I freeze as something slips down on the skin of my forearm.

It feels so dreadfully familiar I instantly know what it is.

The smooth skin of my arm has been torn and cut with my own fingernails, dripping blood from the wounds I inflicted on myself.

Skies no. Not here, why did it have to be here?

Jungkook must notice the fear in my eyes because his own go wide and circular.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" His voice goes urgent when I start shivering uncontrollably, which is only the beginning of my hemophobia symptoms.

Without hesitation, he lifts my body up and takes me out of the training room. I can only catch hazy glimpses of the gray ceiling as I go into the next stage of my hemophobia- seizures.

Jungkook holds my shaking body to his chest more tightly as my thrashing gets more violent.

I'm trying to see where he's taking me, but the disgusting smell clouds my senses, blocking me off from the world. My head pounds even more when Jungkook breaks into a fast run.

I can see enough that he is deathly worried. He doesn't know what the heck is going on with me- I can feel the fear overwhelming the stormy gray of his irises.

Then I hear another rushing of footsteps and a familiar voice.

"What in the skies have you done with her?"

I feel V wrench my body away from the poor boy, and his fresh scent blows the red clouds away. By instinct, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face into his chest, gasping as my eyes gradually clear. Skies, I missed him so much.


His eyes are dark with anger, all of it directed entirely at Jungkook. The boy looks helpless under V's condemning gaze, face still pale from my unexpected turn of events.

"You used that, didn't you? Didn't I warn you not to?"

Shame flushes Jungkook's face red, and I can immediately tell that it was that super painful finger pinching attack. But then he lifts his eyes to calmly meet V's.

"What's wrong with her?"

His eyes go wide as V tells him about my fear of blood. As he explains, V never loosens his hold on me, even though the panic attack had faded a long time ago.

I notice that Jungkook notices, but he keeps quiet about the topic.

"How does she kill, then? She's an assassin, and is deadly afraid of drawing blood. How is she even an assassin?"

V growls at Jungkook's condemning tone, tightening his grip on my frame.

"I kill for her."

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