Save Me

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I see the knife tear through his skin like paper, and the thick red blood that comes pouring later.

I'm so shocked I've forgotten how to breathe.

V seems surprised as well, because his hand immediately goes to the wound as the knife is yanked out of his chest, spilling even more blood.

Blood covers his hands, but I'm not scared of it. All I can think of is how to get V out of here, even if it includes sacrificing my life, my soul itself in the process.

The man is standing over V, who is going ghostly pale from blood loss. He holds the knife that drips with his blood.

Gritting my teeth, I inspect the manacles, somehow keeping a cool head to my surprise. They are locked with a padlock, the same that held the door with the Hope Diamond. I search for the bobby pin desperately, running my fingertips through my disheveled, tangled hair.

It had to be there. Please, please, please.

It was.

Glancing at the man, who is still occupied with gloating over V, I hurry to unlock the padlocks as silently as I can. When I'm free, I immediately lunge at the man.

He's way too late to see me coming. I'm a wraith, a reaper that would claim his life for my own.

I slam my fist into his head, swinging my leg around his to trip him and then unmercifully hurling him towards the blood-covered walls. His head hits the surface with a loud cracking noise, and I judge that the sound had come from his neck.

With trembling fingers, I unlock V's restraints as well. He winces as he stands up, and I start to panick again at the stab wound, which is still pouring blood like rain from the sky.

Bandages. I need cloth.

I pull my jacket over my head as I use the knife to cut the soft material into long, thin strips. Im struggling so hard not to cry by the time I wrap the makeshift bandages around his wound to staunch the bleeding.

That's as far as I can go before I start hyperventilating. There's blood on my hands, on my shirt, on the ground.

There's blood everywhere.

"Kir," V wraps his arms around my waist as he lifts my trembling body up lightly. "Hold on."

He shatters the closest window with his bare fist, turning to cover me from the flying shards. I'm still wondering how he did that when I feel the freedom outside. Cold air rushes in to fill the room, and I drink it in hungrily like I'd been underwater for hours.

I scold him as I see his hands raw from the strike. "Why would you do that? Don't you know that would just-"

He presses his lips on mine and gives me a boxy smile that shuts me up almost instantly.

"I hope you're ready to jump." At his words, the color drains instantly from my face.

"What?" I sound frightened and apparently kissable because he presses his lips against mine again and hurls both of us out of the windowsill.

Oh. My. Skies.

He's crazy. He's freaking insane.

The water comes up fast as we drop more than twenty feet up in the air. I whimper as I bury my face into his chest, trying not to imagine how I would look like after being smashed like a pancake onto the rippling surface of the lake.

One thing I had learned over the years- if you think hitting water instead of ground is going to save your life, you're dead wrong. The result would most likely end up as you being more dead than alive, with all the bones in your body fractured or shattered.

V tightens his grip on me just before we hit the lake, twisting our bodies so our feet would break the surface.

I should've known V would never let me die unless he did first.

Save Me | K.TH *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now