Find Me

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Where is she?

The heir is dead— I slit his throat with my own hands as he slept. He would now sleep for eternity.

"Where did they go?"

Jungkook reflects my exact question as his gaze turns icy cold. He feels what I feel, and there's nothing positive about it. Something isn't right here.

I unconsciously brush the necklace around my neck as I search the spot they were supposed to be, waiting for us to finish the assassination.

The alley is dark and empty, showing no signs of life. Panic and fear starts to cloud my senses as my hand curls tightly into a fist. Where is she? Where is she?

Calm down. Clear your mind.

When I force myself to, I smell the slightest thing that makes my back stiffen in tension.

I can smell GHB and Rhohypnol.

The two main drugs to knock someone out instantly.

Damn it.

Kir's POV

The air smells of dust and blood, and I shudder from the slight metallic scent. It's not enough to make my hemophobia act up, but it's still there, I can smell it.

When I open my eyes, I see I'm bound by rope in a small room. In the corner, Lisa is still unconscious on the floor, eyes closed and body limp.

Where are we?

Rope binds my wrists and ankles together onto a chair, a white cloth stuffed into my mouth. I try my very best to make some noise to wake Lisa up— and my feeble attempts work.

She coughs for a second, and I look worriedly at her. But with the heavy dose that went into my body, my senses don't work like they used to. My eyes are still blurry and my fingertips are numb, like they've been dipped in ice water for an hour.


Lisa sits up, and I notice she's not tied to anything, but instead have been thrown to the ground with the usual bindings. Her mouth is also free of any type of gag.

I wonder if I put up any resistance unconsciously to have been bound like this.

Nodding to her call, I struggle with the cloth in my mouth— it has a weird, herbal smell— and when Lisa tries to take it off, she flinches and coughs.

"It has some kind of drug on it. Are you feeling okay, Kir?"

I nod slightly as Lisa pulls out the gag, twisting her body around so her hands could work with the rope on.

"Ah! Thank you."

She nods and flinches when the door is slammed open. I look up defiantly at the Leader as he steps in, a bit of a limp to his walk. Two burly men that look like bodyguards accompany him as he comes in.

"You have a strong kick, Kirelei. I'm proud of my top assassin."

"Shut the hell up, your traitor. I'm not your anything. I hope I broke your spine."

At my rough, vicious words, he nods at the bodyguard.

"Do I really need to tell you this? If only you'd be cooperative, you won't get hurt."

Lisa screams a curse as the man slams his fist onto the side of my head, making me tip over with along with the chair. I see dark spots as they dance in my blurry vision for a moment, but don't hesitate to stop my flow of insults.

"It was you, too, wasn't it." I hiss, my eyes wild. "Back at Carrera. Me and V nearly lost our lives because of you, traitor. It was you."

The leader doesn't even nod assent when the man untie my binds. I'm actually surprised at this turn of events but I rush in to take the chance.

The moment my wrists and ankles are free, I lunge at the man.

But the drugs have made me too weak, not to mention my senses had been dulled to the point where I couldn't even do anything properly.

His hand wraps around my neck as he hurls me to the ground, driving his feet into my side harshly.

A painful scream erupts from my lips as I feel the sharp edge of his boot cave into my ribs. I know for sure he's bruised them— possibly he's broken them as well.

"Get away from her, you damn bastards!" Lisa screams in fear and fury as she leaps at the leader. She'd torn the rope open, and her hands and wrists were burned raw from the effort.

My head spins as I hear her body hit the ground.


"Remember. Don't draw blood— our feisty Kir over there is afraid of it."

The leader says smugly as I growl at him, eyes narrowed with fury.

"Why are you doing this? What's your objective?"

"It's simple, really. I was planning to have the League merge with the Clan in Wren, but I knew for a fact you four would definitely have a problem against that. After all, we would no longer kill for justice, but for wealth and power. To add to that, I needed the Heir murdered— the Leader in Wren had asked that of me. So why not send the four of you on a mission to do the exact thing? This way, I hit two birds with one stone."

"It won't work. The Wren is using you, and you're too stupid to see it."

"I don't think so, sweetie."

The man drags Lisa violently to her feet and forces her out of the room. "No! Where are you taking her? Where are you bringing her? Answer me!"

When I stumble up to my feet, the other quickly grab hold of my wrists and pulls me back so harshly I might've dislocated my shoulder.

"Worry about yourself first, darling."

The Leader leaves and the man wrenches my chin to face him, a malevolent grin pasted on his dark face.

"Oh, what's this?"

The man grabs the necklace V gave me, and I struggle weakly against his grip. My body doesn't feel like mine. It reacts so slowly to my commands, and my muddled brain does nothing to help my situation.

"Don't touch me."

I gasp as he pulls the necklace against my neck, and I'm afraid that I'd break my neck any moment when the chain gives way and breaks cleanly off the clasp.


But my voice comes out a dry rasp, and I'm still trying to catch my breath with the vicious strangulation I just went through.

The man only smirks as he slams his boot down on the small silver jewel in the center, shattering the only hope me and Lisa had left.

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