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I pull the band from my hair, letting my dark waves cascade down my back. Sighing as I ruffle the top lazily, I enter my room, ready to go to sleep after an eventful day.

But life isn't done with me yet.

When I come in, I look up in surprise to find Jungkook sitting on my bed. His hair has changed color from dark red to a chocolate brown.

"There you are. I've been waiting for hours." He says, and my eyes go wide at the bold statement.

"What do you want?"

He runs his fingers through his straight strands, blowing out a frustrated breath. With pursed lips, he stands to approach me.

"V was really pissed off at me, did you know?" At his tone, I think for a second he might beat me up for that. But then in a flash, Jungkook's serious expression changes, along with his tone.

"And he's never been worried about anyone that much before." He bends down to level our eyes, looking deeply into mine.

"So tell me, what's the real relationship between you two?"

I lick my bottom lip anxiously and shove him away from me, annoyed that I'm losing my precious sleep time over this. Not to mention who is he to question my life and relationship with V?

"Go away, I need to sleep." I brush past him and throw myself on the bed, burying my face into the fluffy pillows and hoping he'd leave me alone.

But of course, he doesn't. What did I expect? That Jeon Jungkook would just let me off the hook that easily?

Skies no.

Jungkook sighs and I hear him tapping his feet impatiently. If I concentrate, I can literally hear his gears turning as he thinks about how to get the truth out of me. Torture was probably his first thought, actually.

"I'll make you a deal then. Tell me what I want to hear, and I'll tell you what you want to hear. To add to that, I'll not even make V come to your room. How about that? Either way, I get my answer."

I sit up quickly and throw my pillow at his head, but Jungkook easily swipes it out of the air with one hand and throws it back at me.

"You can't make V do anything."

"Of course I can. One word that his little princess is dreaming nightmares and having trouble sleeping would make him come here in a flash, wouldn't it?"

I give him the most coldest and furious glare I can muster, but he smiles so brightly back I'm wondering how this guy is the same one that attacked me a few hours ago.

I give him the most coldest and furious glare I can muster, but he smiles so brightly back I'm wondering how this guy is the same one that attacked me a few hours ago

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"You're stupid, you know that? You're really stupid and infuriating, and dumb and annoying. Not to mention you're making me lose more sleep than I should."

He smirks at me, the angelic smile I'd seen a moment ago now gone completely. Yeah, this is the Jungkook I know.

"So do we have a deal?"

I groan and nod, my face falling at the feeling that I'm betraying V by revealing our secret. What will he think if he heard that I spilled our relationship because I didn't want him to come to my room?

At my face, Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "Come on, don't tell me you feel bad about this. I know V like my own brother, not some stranger wanting to learn about a relationship."

When I don't reply, he sighs and taps my forehead, making me jerk up in surprise. I'd been so lost in my own thoughts I hadn't noticed his action.

"Wake up, chipmunk. You have questions to answer and dirt to spill."

I aim a halfhearted kick at him as I grumble.

"I'm not a chipmunk."

"Sure you're not. You're small and you look like one. I think that's plenty of reasons to be called that way, isn't it?"

"Shut up."

He smiles at my words then his face hardens, melting into the professional aura I've come to know so well.

"Are you and him friends?"

I shake my head, unable to keep a blush from crawling up my neck.

Jungkook notices and smirks, and the blush comes up even faster.

"Gosh, can you hurry up and leave me alone? I wanna sleep, you know."

"Fine. Are you two lovers, then?"

I nod slightly, and Jungkook looks like he's gone fishing and he's caught a hold of a Great White Shark.

"Did you kiss yet?"

I nod again, and bury my face into the pillow I'm getting ready to hurl at his face. This is getting way too out of hand.

"Wow, never expected V to find someone before I did. That's a first."

I find this the perfect timing as I swing for his head with my pillow. He ducks at the blow, and smiles.

"Alright, my turn, you stupid bunny. When did you first meet V, and how long have you known him?"

Jungkook holds up ten fingers, and I swing again in annoyance.

"Can you talk, please?"

"Of course I can, since you said please."

I shut my eyes and open them again, exhaustion apparent and obvious.

"Okay, fine. We met when we were ten, and known each other since then until now. That would make twelve years, wouldn't it?"

I quickly do the math in my head. V was twenty two, which was two years older than me. That meant Jungkook was also the same age, the same age gap.

"How was he like back then? You know, when he was ten?"

It made me curious about V's childhood, how he was like younger. Was he more warmer towards others?

"Exactly the same as now. Emotionless, cold as ice towards strangers. Heck, he once tried to kill a fully grown man who beat me up when he was eleven. All I'm saying is that when he comes to love someone, he'll do anything to protect that person."

I struggle to take the information in as I plan my next question. I want to ask about V's past, events deeper into his childhood. But I have a strange feeling that would be the same thing as violating his privacy.

Jungkook is looking at me expectantly, like he knows what I'm going to ask.

"That's it, actually. Thanks."

Surprise distorts his face as he tilts his head to the side.

"Aren't you curious about V's past? His childhood? You know, the environment he grew up in and why he became so closed off? I can answer all those questions, you know. You're missing out on some good stuff, chipmunk."

I ignore the nickname and nod slowly. "I am.... but I feel like I should hear the past from the actual person. Otherwise, it feels like I'm invading his privacy. I don't want to do that to him."

Jungkook stares at me like he can't believe what he's hearing.

"What?" I ask at his stunned expression.

"Skies, you're perfect for V, you know that?" he shakes his head in amazement as he continues. "Actually, you might be the only one for him."

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