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I wake up, and for a second I'm wondering where the heck I am. The room is unfamiliar to me, and the bed doesn't smell like my scent, but very much as-

Oh. Now I remember.

V had awoken from his coma, and I'm sleeping like an idiot again.

I walk out of the room to hear V's cool, collected voice.

"The headquarters? I thought it was completely annihilated with the fire they set. Even if there were remains, the bombs afterward would've undoubtedly destroyed what was left."

Then Jungkook.

"I think V's right. I witnessed the damages myself- there is no way that anything could've survived in that hellhole."

To my surprise, there's another person in there. I recognize the cool, manipulative tone as the one who spoke to me and V about the failed Carrera mission before- the leader of the League.

"Yes, but the headquarters were normally built for that kind of attacks- you know, drastic explosions, heavy machinery. I'm positive that our records survived. It's in the bottommost room, after all, where all the important data is. And you know how significant that is to our reconstruction. Oh," he says as I hear the sound of a couch dipping.

"Take Kirelei Cross as well. She'll be a strong backup just in case anything goes wrong."

I feel a bit of pride as I hide myself on the far corner as the leader exits the room. When he's safely out of sight, I turn my body to go in the room.

Except V stops me straight in my tracks.

"Don't tell Kir anything about this, Kook. I have a feeling that this is going to be a suicide mission."


"I don't want her in danger, especially inside the headquarters, where there still might be traps set and soldiers around. I know for a fact those records he's talking about? They're already gone, buried amongst the ashes or in the hands of the enemy. Like I said, there's no point risking Kir to find nothing."

I'm hoping Jungkook opposes V's opinion, but when I hear him agree, I feel a strange sense of collapsed trust.

They all underestimate me. They both think I'm not good enough to protect myself, although I can rival both of them singlehandedly.

I decide to make a dramatic entrance, slipping inside the room unnoticed and going behind V's back. Both of them are thankfully facing the opposite direction- otherwise it wouldn't have been possible.

"Uh, that's not going to happen."

V freezes up like an ice statue the moment I say the first word, and I feel satisfied I managed to achieve what I just did. Sneaking up at V is nearly impossible to do, because he's so adept at what he does.

"Chipmunk," Even Jungkook looks surprised as I detect a note of anxiety in his usual smug tone. "How much did you hear?"

It's my turn to smirk at him, and I can see his eyes go wide at my snarky behavior. "Oh, I heard enough, trust me."

V speaks to me without turning my way.

"Kir... I can't let you go. Like you heard, this is a suicide mission. I was there when the attack happened."

I lower myself down to his eye level, pointing an outrageous finger at the middle part of his chest. Yet he still doesn't look me in the eye.

"I thought you would know by now I would never let you go anywhere without me again. I made a mistake last time letting you stay there and battle by yourself. Do you know what happened because of that mistake? You came back looking like somebody ran a truck over you, not to mention in a coma that lasted for weeks. So if you think I'm going to listen to you this time, you're wrong."

When Jungkook starts to move in his chair, I stop him with a vicious stare.

"And bunny, you better stay in that chair unless you want a one way ticket to the hospital."

Even though they're both two entire years older than me, I feel so utterly and completely in charge that I fight to keep myself from laughing my head off.

"You're taking me, whether you want to or not."

V finally faces me, voice firm and stony. Usually I'd back off, but not today. The last time I did, I got back a V that technically died for a month.

"Don't be stubborn, Kirelei."

Stubborn? Are you serious?

"You stop being so overprotective of me. Don't you think I can protect myself at least after years of that vicious training? You know yourself I'm better than 99% of the League. Besides, I could even take on Jungkook easily if he didn't have that Dark Arts of Combat or whatever. So why are you keep stopping me from being an assassin?"

V stares at me flatly. I can tell I've made him angry- a storm is slowly brewing in the atmosphere between the two of us. His mouth opens to say something, but his face tightens and he shuts his mouth again. When I gaze at him with a challenge for a while, he finally throws poison at me.

"Because you're not good enough."

Jungkook looks nervous as hell as my face twists in rage, but I pay no heed to the poor bunny, who's wringing his hands in concern.

"What? Say that again."

V stands from his seat, his body towering over mine. I hate it when he does that. Is he trying to intimidate me?

Hell nah. I'm not giving him that.

He looks me straight in the eye as he bites his lip with annoyance and frustration. The slanted light casts shadows on parts of his face, only highlighting his rising anger.

"You're. Not. Good. Enough."

Fury shoots through me, making my blood boil with newfound passion. And that passion is to hurt V as much as he has hurt me just now.

"Whatever. I'm not someone that you can control like everyone else in your life." When I spit pure poison at him, V's face twist violently in hurt and rage. I've pushed him beyond the point where he can't control his emotions anymore. "I'm leaving, with or without you. I don't want to be told what to do anymore. I didn't train under you for years just so you could puppeteer me."

V fires back at me with venom in his voice. "I don't know how anyone could ever put up with you, Kir. I don't know why I loved you anymore. Now I realize I was stupid to do so."

His harsh words make my heart shatter. For a moment, I just stand there staring at him, openmouthed and in pure shock.

He regrets loving me?

I should be spitting at him the same words, that I never should've loved him from the start. I should be yelling that loving him was the worst mistake I've ever made. I should be literally throwing verbal sticks and stones at him right now, but I can't.

I can't, because I know that deep down in my heart, I'd only be saying empty lies to him. I can't, because nothing he can say or do will make me love him any less than I did a few hours ago, or a month before.

Tears start to fill my eyes, and I know I have to leave before it spills. It would be so humiliating to cry like a baby in front of him, which I absolutely didn't need right now.

"Then I guess I'm still stupid."

Then I leave the room, closing the door with a violent slam.

And I know for a fact that he got a good look at my tears.

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