Fight for Return

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A/N: I realized I'd taken out such a huge chunk of good plot between the time when Kir and V escapes and the time when Kir and V are back together in the League infirmary, and I'd realized that too late. Super sorry about that— enjoy.

Our bodies plunge into the deep, dark waters, and my eyes are shut so tightly from the dreadful anticipation of death. I've never seen anyone survive from a fall this high, and I'd figured it was no exception for us.

Our lives were done for.

But when I gulp in a huge mouthful of cold, metallic water, I realize that we were an exception after all.

But that didn't change the fact that we still had a chance that we were going to drown. The water in the lake was so freezing the instant my body submerged completely was the moment when it went numb with dull shock. It was like ice against my skin, which was heated up from screaming.

As soon as the relief of aliveness passes, panic takes over like a sudden thunderstorm.

Where's V?

My arms are no longer tightened around his body— and I can't see anything more than five inches in front of me. Heck, I'm struggling to even catch the faint silhouette of my hands. Perfect. This royally sucked.

Suddenly, a hand roughly wraps around my upper arm, so tightly I freak out for a second. Then relief crashes down on my senses as I realize it's V, his face paler than snow and his grip colder than ice.

He looks like he's about to lose consciousness any second as he pulls me up towards the surface, his hands searching my body for any wounds.

"Kir, are you a-alright? Why didn't y-you come up sooner?"

His lips are tinged blue from the cold, and he's stuttering, which is a seriously bad sign. Then I remember he's still continuing to lose blood in the water— the fall might've torn open the gash even wider.

"I'm fine, V. Let's get you out of here, okay? You look really cold right now."


I scoff at his lack of concern, pulling at his body firmly towards the shore. He tries to swim himself, but winces forcefully when the moment he lifts his arms.

"Don't do that," I snap quickly, worry lacing my voice. "You might make it worse."

But of course, I'm just telling him what he already knows. He's just too stubborn to not give a try.

When I trudge out the water, I look up to the window we just jumped out of, feeling a sudden flash of uneasiness crawl up my spine.

Of course. Life hates us too much to let us go that easily.

I can see a soldier's head poke out of the broken window, his eyes immediately landing on two drenched escapees, which happens to be us.

"Escaped prisoners!"

I can hear his urgent yell from all the way down here.

Damn it.

V's face goes whiter and whiter for every step we take. My makeshift bandages are soaked a dark, sickening red with his blood— fresh blood, not those that were washed away from the water of the lake. That only speeds up my panicking.

I start hyperventilating, not because of the blood but because of fear. What if he didn't make it? What if he died of too much blood loss, because I took too long to get him somewhere safe?

V thinks it's his blood that's getting to me— he leans it a bit further, and a new wave of intoxicating scent washes over me like a soothing wave. Even though that's not the cause, I still welcome the soothing hint of dawn and dew. It helps with my fear, more than what I'd like to admit.

We need cover— I can hear the faint thundering of the soldiers as they come after us. So without bothering to check, I lead V and myself into a dense, thick forest, similar to the one we'd been in before.

And by similar, I mean cold and wet.

"Is my princess okay?"

I give a slight nod, concluding that he's either delirious from the pain, or he's just trying to make the heavy mood lighter. If you ask me, I'd probably go with the first option.

"Hold on, V. We're almost there."

"....That's a lie."

Ouch. He was right, though. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, leading a severely injured person into a forest.

So dumb.

"V..." My voice trails weakly, and his grip tightens on my shoulder. He can sense the panic and vulnerability in my voice. "Tell me what to do."

But his grip suddenly goes taut, then relaxes so suddenly I flinch in shock. Please tell me he's not....

He was only unconscious. A strong wave of relief sweeps through me, making my knees go shaky and weak for the millionth time that day. I'd gone through so many things in just an hour, more than I'd ever imagined I would've ever had to go through. Even thinking about it made my heartbeat rise sharply.

After this, I would never leave my cozy, comfortable bed for eternity.

The soldiers are about a hundred meters behind me, and closing that distance fast. Right now, we're not in their line of sight— but if I don't act soon, we would be, and that would be the ending of our lives.

At the moment, V's life depended on me. Our everything depended on me, and the pressure that came with that could easily crush my fragile little heart into pieces. All I wanted to do right then was to just stop resisting, and just give up.

But I couldn't do that.

Gritting my teeth, I pull V's limp, cold body behind a thick, snowy bush— somewhere where he wouldn't be able to be found so easily. His body was so cold people would've simply concluded that it was a corpse, lifeless and without breath.

But I knew that he was alive, so I had to fight. For both his life and mine.

Fighting is the last thing I want to do— my entire body feels like lead, in stark contrast to the usual lightness I possess. My muscles ache sorely as I draw a sharp knife from the hidden sleeve in V's jacket, thanking him silently for his usual preparedness. That was the last weapon they hadn't taken from us.

Breathing out coolly, I dig my heels gently into the snow.

Ten seconds until confrontation. You can do this, Kirelei.

Nine seconds until confrontation.








One second before confrontation.

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