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2 years before Epilogue

"Matt, I don't know how good of an idea this is" hands fidgit restlessly at my sides. This is so not a good idea. "that house looks like the one from Fight Club."

"shhhh!!!" his hand finds its way over my mouth before I can roll my eyes, predictable, "don't talk about Fight Club." 

In the two years we've been dating I swear he's used that joke at least 12 times. But even his corny words and warm hand can't soothe my nerves.

And I guess he can tell. "Cam, it's fine, " his hand drops, "Dallas knows this guy, he says it will be fun."

"Yeah, because Dallas is such a reliable source of knowledge." we're getting too close now to turn around without the people milling around to notice, "and has such good taste in friends."

"hey!" My dig doesn't go unnoticed. But he's smiling and that's all that really matters. But back to the real problem at hand.

"I can literally smell the drugs from here Matt." I'm not lying, the skunk like stench drifts out the door and multiple open windows in thick streams of smoke. "I can't believe we're doing this"

And that's all I can say before we're in the door. At least I think we are, it's dark and smoky, and crowded to the brim.

"what is this? an abercrombie and fitch store, I can't breathe." 

Thirty minutes later and Matt and I are awkwardly squished on a couch between two kids in head to toe black and more piercings than I can count. Dallas disappeared with a buddy who was obviously drunk out of his mind and I don't want to know where they are now.

"I feel like Nemo in the tank at the dentist's, awkward and trying to hide for his life." the only plus is that my legs are thrown over Matt's as we be wallflowers.

"oh come on Cam, it's not that bad" but he's frowning, and there is absolutely no conviction in his words. So I just give him the eyebrow when he looks at me.

"ok fine, it sucks."

And there's the delima. We agreed to this stupid stoner party because Dallas asked- no begged us too. We found out after agreeing, that he just wanted a ride home after. Idiot.

"Hey you two look a little down, there's some snacks in the kitchen. Food cheers everyone up." A tall girl stands before us, probably the only sober and functioning person we've seen all night. And she looks... completely normal. How refreshing.

"uh.. Thank you" Matt beats me to answering but I'm already swinging my legs off his and heading for the kitchen. I never deny food, especially when I'm grouchy and want to tear the head off a certain no good friend of mine.

But oh do my eyes decieve me or are those Blondies? The whiter, better version of brownies. All wrapped up nice and pretty in a plastic container on the counter.

I already have two on my plate and one in my mouth before Matt even makes it into the kitchen.

"Cam!" there's panic in his voice that makes me freeze my chewing and my eyes to meet his wide ones. "Are you crazy!? We're at a stoner party, you can't eat the baked goods."

"I'm not stupid. I thought of that. But they were in a store container, the label even said blondies, and it was full."

No way someone would have bought a package of blondies only to bake their own weed filled ones and replace them just to fool some naive college kids. Right?


"M- Mattew?" This carpet is so freaking soft, like what did they do put- those girl's shoes are freaking awesome, so purple.

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