13:Babies and Movies

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I'm pretty sure their food isn't really food, but man it sure tastes like a little piece of heaven.
So after 20 chicken nuggets and a large fry, I was still eying the boy's food like a starved child.
I really don't know how I'm still this size. I mean I'm no stick model but I'm small with a little curve at my hip and waist, but I eat like a morbidly obese man. No joke. And I don even exercise. That is the only thing I have luck with.
When the boys finally finish, me helping by sneaking some fries, we head off again. I bid goodbye to Dallas and then climb into the car with Matt.
"Uhhhhh..... I just remembered." I groan as I buckle my seatbelt.
"What?" Matt asks as he backs out of the lot.
"I forgot you sister is coming over today, an ill have to sit their and try not to puke as I watch my brother and her make goo goo eye at each other all night." I put my hands to my face. "not that I don't love your sister, because I do. It's just that I had to watch all this with his last girlfriend." I slump in the seat.
"Then don't go home." He says it like its the obvious answer.
"If you haven't realized your'e my ride." I motion between us.
"Well I'm not really looking forward to the grounding im going to get when I get home, so lets go see a movie or something."
I wonder what he's getting grounded for?
Well I mean the new Spider-Man is out......
"ok" I say sighing in relief. I pull out my phone to let my mom know.
" great, but no chick flicks or romance shit."
I put a hand over my heart. "Do you even know me? We are going to see Spider-Man 2! And no arguing!!" I yell when he starts to open his mouth.
"Woah tiger.. I was just going to say good idea." He chuckles softly.
"Good, because I've been dying to see this movie." I see out of the corner of my eye him giving me a small smile.
Apparently I wasn't the only one dying for this movie. Because in the end Gwen dies! What's up with that!! I mean Peter is all I love you and ill go with you anywhere even if it means no spider man..... And then bam (literally) she's dead.
But that wasn't even the weirdest thing about the movie trip. The weirdest was when me and Matt were at the concession counter. Because yes I have to have coke and popcorn. When the lady behind the counter says, and I quote. "Ah you two are just the cutest couple! But no sex in the theater you hear.... Even though you would make just the cutest babies...." She trailed off as she went to another customer. And I booked it away as fast as I could with a large coke, popcorn, and two bags of airhead bites.
"You should have seen your face!" Matt couldn't stop laughing as we made our way to the right theater.
"Well excuse me for freaking when an adult tells me I would make cute babies, and with you for that matter!" I fall into a seat in the middle of the theater with a huff.
He smirks
"Oh come on we would make cute babies."
I choked on my coke.
So two and a half hours later we are just pulling into my driveway.
"You can come inside, I bet your sisters still here." I say as I get out of the car. I hear another door shut behind me as I head to the front door, so I assume he's following me.
I reach for the door but a strong hand beats me to it. Matt pulls the door open for me and I can't help but return his smile. Stepping inside I hear voices in the living room. Motioning to Matt we head that direction.
When we step through the doorway I gasp. Abby and mom are in a deep conversation by the bar, but what really gets my attention is who Ty is talking to.

My ex.
From Ireland.

What the actual hell?

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